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Song Details
She Left Me For A Destitute Quadriplegic Because Of The Good Sex 
By: Mr. Zipp
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Duration: 3:58 
Release Date: 1994  (nab6215) 
Lyrics By: Frank Emsley (nab6215) 
Music By: Frank Emsley (nab6215) 
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Song Lyrics:
[Main singer without brackets, "back-up" with them, "*" = sung together]


(music starts)

{What, you're gonna sing now?}
OK, I'm gonna sing now.
{I knew that.}
Pretend this is Rogers & Hammerstein or something.
{You're using the reverb. I don't know the words.}
Yeah, yeah, here's the lyrics.
{Hey, what's this music?}
I dunno. It just comes from the ceiling when I need it.
{All right...}

A dead frog in the middle of the road
That's smashed into nothing but a pavement stain {Y'know, this is messed up!}
Has got a better chance of giving her what she needs
I'm telling you, it's eating up my brain.
A piece of fish in a box that's sitting
In the freezer section of your local super-store {This a song?!}
It has a better chance of making her happy now
I'm going nuts if I think anymore.

I'm insane; my brain died {I'm insane, my brain's fried}
I've gone mad and I'll tell you why {It says "fried" here, man!}
I'm insane; my life's gone {I'm...I...this isn't even on the lyric sheet!}
Let me tell you what's going on: {OK, here we go}

*She left me for a destitute quadrapeligic
*Because of the good sex
He lives in a cardboard box, slobbers on himself {He lives in a big...OK...}
Baby, that's good sex. {...that's good sex}
*She left me for a destitute quadrapeligic
*Because of the good sex
*She picked up on him 'cause she couldn't find a salamander
*Baby, that's good sex
{Yeah, good.}

A busted chair that's sitting in a dump
That's covered with vomit is better than me
At giving her the very thing she wants
And I hear them asking what's bothering me {I'm supposed to SING with this.}
A hunk of dog meat in a septic tank {OK...}
That floats all around in a sea of slime
Is better than me in bed and I'm doing
Real good if I was nothing but a waste of time {OK, here we go...}

I'm insane; my brain died {I'm insane, my brain's...}
I've gone mad and I'll tell you why {I...I...I can't keep up, man.}
I'm insane; my life's gone {I'm insa...this...this isn't even on here!}
Let me tell you what's going on: {OK, here we go}

*She left me for a destitute quadrapeligic
*Because of the good sex
He loves eating dog food, can't control his bowels {, this is...}
Hey, baby, that's good sex. {This is GROSS, man!!}
*She left me for a destitute quadrapeligic
*Because of the good sex
She wants to get married right now before he gets away {She wants to get...hey...Red Shwartz!}
Shut up, man...that's good sex {Yeah...reverb!}

(spoken) OK, do it!

{I lost my mind now
Let's have a big cow
I lost my mind now
For good sex
I lost my mind now
Didn't need it anyhow
I'll do it with a dead cow
Good, good sex
Porking a piranha
Is better than Madonna
Now I think I wanna
Have good sex
Just gimme a doorknob
Or a hairy dead slob
Or a Nazi named Bob
Sex, sex, sex!}

A bowl of dead bugs covered with aardvark guts
Has gotta be better than me {Yeah, right!}
When it comes to the "horizontal Hokey-Pokey"
Can't you see what's eating at me? {A little self-esteem problem here.}
A glass of pureed horny toads topped with
A pig's eye has got a better chance with her. {Pureed horny toads!}
Then I ever would in a million years
Now, I'll tell you now what I think I'm worth. {Here we go...}

I'm insane; my brain died {I'm insane; my brain died}
I've gone mad and I'll tell you why {I've gone mad and I'll tell you why}
I'm insane; my life's gone {I'm insane; my life's gone}
Let me tell you what's going on: {Y'know, that verse STILL isn't here.}

*She left me for a destitute quadrapeligic
*Because of the good sex
*He lives in a cardboard box, slobbers on himself
*Baby, that's good sex.
{Hey, I can keep up!}
*She left me for a destitute quadrapeligic
*Because of the good sex
*She picked up on him 'cause she couldn't find a salamander
*Baby, that's good sex
{Y'know, this is messed up, dude!}

She left me for a destitute quadrapeligic {quadrapeligic}
*Because of the good sex
{Can't believe I'm singing this...}
He loves eating dog food, can't control his bowels {can't control his bowels}
*Hey, baby, that's good sex.
{(breaks down) OK...}
She left me for a destitute quadrapeligic
Because of the good sex {Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...}
She wants to get married right now before he gets away {...right away...whatever...}
Baby, that's good sex
{All right!}
All right!

(music ends)

{There any more?}
No, man, I couldn't think of any other way to end it.
{Well, that's good.}
Shut up!
Current Rating 9.1 (7 votes)
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