Background about the song: This is like a summary of the highlights of some of the better material David Tanny has created from 1998-2010. The lyrics mention several of the titles of notable tracks with the bulk of them produced from 2004-2008. This is a lyrical parody of Justin Timberlake's song "Sexy back", except that, well, Tanny is unsexy, and the melody used is an original work instead of doing what the RIAA calls "ripping off someone else's copyrighted melody" for the parody. The original work sounds nothing like the music used in the original song.
Where the humor in the recording comes from: The lyrics mimic those of the original "Sexyback" song while they tend to make a bit of fun of the seriousness of the original and turn it into a totally ridiculous tribute to an unsexy artist with less talent but more humor than the artist being made fun of. The problem is that pop music has lost its sense of humor and has gotten too serious to be enjoyed nowadays.