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Song Details
Duration: 5:20 
Release Date: 12/1/2010  (Tim P. Ryan) 
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Song Lyrics:
When hippie invaders from outer space land in a small hillbilly town, hypnotizing the townsfolk with their out-of-tune guitars, they attempt to hatch a truly nefarious plot: performing a holiday "solstice" program in the Town Hall Auditorium. Only Dale and LeRoy can save the townsfolk . . . and Christmas!

(A Holiday Horror Story)

They came from outer space one cold Christmas Eve
Me and LeRoy stood there watching—we could hardly believe
They was wearin’ tie-dyed shirts and long flared pants
And instead of a greeting, they spoke through interpretive dance

The night the hippies hijacked Christmas
The night the hippies hijacked Christmas
They tore down the town hall Christmas tree
And put a giant lava lamp in its place
They knocked down the plastic Santy Claus
And drew a giant purple peace sign on his face
The night the hippies hijacked Christmas
The night the hippies hijacked Christmas
They stuffed the stockings full of flowers
And replanted every Christmas tree in town
And as LeRoy and me slipped behind a tree
That’s when we heard this terrifyin’ sound
Yes, what a terrifyin’, mystifyin’ sound

See what I mean?
Now, the rest of the town had been asleep up to this point
but when they heard the jingle jangle of that tambourine,
that out of tune guitar and those other-worldly hippie voices, they emerged from their homes as though hypnotized.

The hippies then led the procession of sleepwalkers down the street and into the town hall auditorium. Everyone filed in and took their seats while LeRoy and me snuck in the back. Then the lights went low, the curtain pulled back, and there, on that stage was a sight I would not soon forget. The hippies began to perform their own twisted holiday program

Hippie Chorus:
Oh, Oh on this Winter Solstice
Oh, Oh we are one
We are one with the stars, the animals, the branches, and various invertebrates
Oh, we are one

LeRoy turned to me and said, “We gotta put a stop to this!”
“Yeah,” I replied, “But how?” And then it hit me: If it was one thing that could snap this hillbilly town out of this spell these hippies had cast it was a good dose of hillbilly music.

“LeRoy, run and get your banjo and grab my guitar
and hurry back!”
“Right-e-o, chief!”

Hippie Chorus:
Oh, Winter Solstice, Oh Winter Solstace
Z-O-D-I-A-C sing this far-out song with me
Z-O-D-I-A-C far out!

LeRoy returned with the instruments. We strapped them on and ran down the aisle toward the stage. We clambered up, knocking a few hippies out of our way. I stepped up to the mic and said, “This one’s for all you hillbillies out there.”

Just have a happy slappy ma and pappy grand ol time
At the willy nilly hillbilly holiday
Just have a happy slappy ma and pappy grand ol time
Them hillbilly tunes is comin your way
We got some green beans, cornbread too
Sweat tea, fried okra on the way
Just have a happy slappy ma and pappy grand ol time
At the willy nilly hillbilly
At the willy nilly hillbilly holiday

After hearing the strains of that hillbilly anthem the people seemed to snap out of it, slowly awakening from that hippie solstice spell. Finally, Beldon Meeks, who was sitting in the fourth row stood up and yelled, “Stop those hippies!”

Next thing you knew mayhem broke loose. The townspeople rushed the stage. Hippies were grabbing tambourines, out of tune guitars, incense burners and fragrance diffusers and running for their lives. They escaped out the back door and the entire town chased them down the street, back towards their spaceship.

No one was able to get a single hippie that night.

But every Christmas Eve, as a reminder, we all gather round the Christmas tree in front of the Town Hall Auditorium. We all hold hands and sing:

Don’t let those hippies hijack Christmas
Don’t let those hippies hijack Christmas
Don’t let those hippies hijack Christmas
And have a happy hilly-billy Christmas Day
(Tim P. Ryan)
Current Rating 0.0 (0 votes)
Played on 3 shows:
12-25-10, #MMCZ-10-5912-04-10, #10-49
12-19-10, #MMP-1
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Messages about the song: "The Night The Hippies Hijacked Christmas"
Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  12-06-10 09:13 PM  -  13 years ago
Currently a free download on their webpage.
Released there 12/1/2010.
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