Meri Wilson
Date Born/Group Began:
June 15, 1949
(Tim P. Ryan)
Date Died/Group Ended:
December 28, 2002
(Tim P. Ryan)
Also Known As:
Meri Wilson Edgmon (Stavro Arrgolus) |
Facts: |
Wilson died in auto accident when she lost control of her car on Highway 377 in Americus, Georgia during an ice storm. (Tim P. Ryan) |
Played on 103 shows: |
| 10-02-21, #AOTA-211002 | | 10-06-02, #02-40 |
| 09-05-20, #AOTA-200905 | | 01-13-02, #02-02 |
| 12-22-17, #KMCC-12-09 | | 11-26-00, #00-48 |
| 10-28-17, #KMCC- 12-05 | | 09-03-00, #00-36 |
| 09-04-17, #OTR-3-36 | | 04-30-00, #00-18 |
| 09-02-17, #AOTA-170902 | | 09-12-99, #99-37 |
| 08-30-17, #ISGD-17-37 | | 09-05-99, #99-36 |
| 01-25-17, #ISGD-17-04 | | 08-22-99, #99-34 |
| 01-11-17, #ISGD-17-02 | | 08-08-99, #99-32 |
| 09-03-16, #AOTA-160903 | | 08-01-99, #99-31 |
| 09-03-16, #16-36 | | 11-08-98, #98-45 |
| 09-05-15, #15-36 | | 04-19-98, #98-16 |
| 01-17-15, #15-03 | | 04-06-97, #97-14 |
| 01-17-15, #ISGD-15-03 | | 11-26-95, #95-48 |
| 08-30-14, #14-35 | | 02-12-95, #95-07 |
| 09-28-13, #AOTA-130928 | | 09-04-94, #94-36 |
| 04-27-13, #13-17 | | 02-20-94, #94-08 |
| 02-21-13, #ISGD-13-08 | | 01-16-94, #94-03 |
| 01-12-13, #AOTA-130112 | | 09-19-93, #93-38 |
| 06-14-12, #ISGD-12-24 | | 08-22-93, #93-34 |
| 02-12-12, #MMS-153 | | 03-28-93, #93-13 |
| 09-03-11, #11-36 | | 11-29-92, #92-48 |
| 08-27-11, #MMCZ-11-35 | | 10-04-92, #92-40 |
| 09-25-10, #MMCZ-10-39 | | 01-05-92, #92-01 |
| 09-04-10, #MMCZ-10-36 | | 10-06-91, #91-40 |
| 09-04-10, #10-36 | | 09-01-91, #91-35 |
| 07-01-10, #MMCZ-10-27 | | 04-07-91, #91-14 |
| 05-09-10, #MMCZ-10-19 | | 03-10-91, #91-10 |
| 02-28-10, #MMCZ-10-09 | | 10-14-90, #90-41 |
| 09-06-09, #09-36 | | 11-12-89, #89-46 |
| 02-15-09, #MMCZ 09-06 | | 05-24-87, #87-21 |
| 07-06-08, #08-27 | | 11-16-86, #86-46 |
| 11-11-07, #MMS-99 | | 06-08-86, #KMET-86-23 |
| 09-10-07, #MMS-92 | | 03-09-86, #86-10 |
| 09-10-07, #MMS-92 | | 09-01-85, #85-35 |
| 09-02-07, #07-35 | | 07-14-85, #KMET-85-28 |
| 06-03-07, #MMS-80 | | 01-27-85, #85-04 |
| 03-26-07, #MMS-71 | | 09-02-84, #84-36 |
| 06-25-06, #06-26 | | 02-26-84, #84-09 |
| 04-16-06, #MMS-23 | | 08-01-82, #82-31 |
| 09-05-04, #XM-67 | | 05-16-82, #82-20 |
| 09-05-04, #04-36 | | 09-27-81, #81-39 |
| 08-31-03, #03-35 | | 08-30-81, #81-35 |
| 08-04-03, #ISGD-03-30 | | 08-23-81, #81-34 |
| 07-14-03, #ISGD-03-27 | | 08-16-81, #81-33 |
| 07-07-03, #ISGD-03-26 | | 06-01-80, #80-22 |
| 03-03-03, #ISGD-03-08 | | 02-03-80, #80-05 |
| 02-24-03, #ISGD-03-07 | | 03-25-79, #79-12 |
| 02-23-03, #03-08 | | 03-18-79, #79-11 |
| 01-27-03, #ISGD-03-03 | | 07-23-78, #78-22 |
| 01-19-03, #03-03 | | 01-01-78, #KMET-78-01 |
| 01-13-03, #ISGD-03-01 | | |
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