Brad Stanfield
Date Born/Group Began:
Date Died/Group Ended:
Also Known As:
Facts: |
Also performed:
Sanatarium and
Santa, Gimmie Some Zits
(probably on KMET shows we do not have listings for) (Tim P. Ryan) |
The web site below is for Brad's current music business and does not have anything on his earlier songs & music heard on Dr. Demento. (Tim P. Ryan) |
Played on 82 shows: |
| 01-13-23, #ISGD 23-01 | | 05-13-84, #84-20 |
| 08-08-20, #AOTA-200808 | | 01-23-83, #KMET-83-04 |
| 10-06-18, #AOTA-181006 | | 09-27-81, #81-39 |
| 03-31-18, #AOTA-180331 | | 03-15-81, #KMET-81-11 |
| 06-10-17, #KMCC-11-20 | | 01-25-81, #81-04 |
| 09-22-12, #12-38 | | 11-23-80, #80-47 |
| 08-16-12, #ISGD-12-33 | | 02-17-80, #80-07 |
| 03-01-12, #ISGD-12-09 | | 10-14-79, #79-41 |
| 11-29-11, #BWR-11-11-29 | | 12-31-78, #78-46 |
| 10-15-11, #MMCZ-11-42 | | 11-19-78, #78-40 |
| 06-04-11, #AOTA-110604 | | 08-13-78, #78-25 |
| 10-09-10, #10-41 | | 06-18-78, #78-17 |
| 05-30-10, #MMCZ-10-22 | | 06-04-78, #78-15 |
| 10-05-08, #08-40 | | 05-07-78, #78-11 |
| 09-10-07, #MMS-92 | | 04-09-78, #78-7 |
| 09-10-07, #MMS-92 | | 03-19-78, #78-4 |
| 08-26-07, #MMS-90 | | 02-26-78, #78-1 |
| 05-06-07, #07-18 | | 01-01-78, #KMET-78-01 |
| 08-20-06, #MMS-41 | | 01-30-77, #131 |
| 07-01-06, #ROTP_097 | | 01-02-77, #127 |
| 06-25-06, #06-26 | | 01-02-77, #KMET-77-01 |
| 02-25-06, #ROTP_079 | | 12-26-76, #126 |
| 05-15-05, #XM-103 | | 10-31-76, #118 |
| 04-24-05, #05-17 | | 09-26-76, #113 |
| 03-27-05, #05-13 | | 09-19-76, #112 |
| 05-06-01, #01-18 | | 09-05-76, #110 |
| 03-11-01, #01-10 | | 08-29-76, #109 |
| 04-30-00, #00-18 | | 08-01-76, #105 |
| 10-18-98, #98-42 | | 07-11-76, #102 |
| 05-28-95, #95-22 | | 06-27-76, #100 |
| 04-03-94, #94-14 | | 05-30-76, #96 |
| 07-28-91, #91-30 | | 05-09-76, #93 |
| 10-07-90, #90-40 | | 04-18-76, #90 |
| 06-05-88, #88-23 | | 03-21-76, #86 |
| 01-10-88, #88-02 | | 03-14-76, #85 |
| 11-30-86, #86-48 | | 02-08-76, #80 |
| 06-22-86, #86-25 | | 01-18-76, #77 |
| 06-22-86, #KMET-86-25 | | 12-28-75, #KMET-75-52 |
| 11-17-85, #85-46 | | 10-05-75, #62 |
| 10-20-85, #KMET-85-42 | | 09-14-75, #KMET-75-37 |
| 07-07-85, #KMET-85-27 | | 09-07-75, #58 |
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