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The Mad Music Hour #196 (w/ guest host Tyro Arrgula) - March 17, 2016
Topic: Shove Another Shillelagh Up Your...Orifice
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This week, our somewhat annual St. Patrick's Day show that occurs whenever Uncle Stavro is feeling up to it. Which isn't very often. The question then arises, "Why should I do it? I'm Cornish, not Irish. And a vampire. It's entirely the wrong holiday at the wrong time of year for me." Uncle says, "You're Celtic and Cornwall is closer to Ireland than Massachusetts." Him and his damn geography.

Next week: Face The Peril - Even If It's Too Perilous

Listing added by:  Stavro Arrgolus

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Both half hours end with Red Peters songs. Just because. (Tyro Arrgula)
Yes, I really do think Easter in March blows goats. When April arrives, there's no big, chocolate-related holiday to look forward to. ...Not that vampires can eat chocolate. It's the principle of the thing. (Tyro Arrgula)
Like last week's podcast, the show title isn't actually spoken in the show. This is for a different reason than (possibly) violating Creative Commons. I was never really happy with the title, so it's not mentioned in the show so it can be changed if I come up with a better title later. The show's number remains the same. (Tyro Arrgula)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Hour #196 (w/ guest host Tyro Arrgula) - March 17, 2016"

alhick25   Offline  -  Member  -  03-18-16 07:29 PM  -  8 years ago
Glad Uncle Stavro was feeling up to it. Hope he keeps feeling great and can make more excellent shows.
Scott C   Offline  -  Member  -  03-23-16 10:05 PM  -  8 years ago
Just what I needed now that spring has disappeared. Thanks for a great show.
Dave AuJus   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  03-24-16 12:09 AM  -  8 years ago
Another spot on show!
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  03-24-16 12:40 AM  -  8 years ago
Thanks for the vote of confidence, guys. Sometimes I think Tyro's more popular as he's less cranky.

The silly voices require careful pitch adjustment in Audacity. Higher for Tyro (like I inhaled helium), lower for Viscount Vyslo & Count Aarhus.

The next show will be completed in the next week or so and it's about 'danger'. Haven't done this topic in more than 5 years and Wayne was still hosting when I put it together for him. At the time, I saw so many songs about this that there could be more than one show about it, so...
Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  03-25-16 04:15 PM  -  8 years ago
Have vampire Arrgula listen to Sweet Obsessions By: Tera Mitchel,
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