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Revenge of the Particle - October 15, 2005
Topic: Show 60 - First Show on Dementia Radio

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Listing added by:  DJ Particle

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This was recorded off the stream since DJP didn't have a way yet to record from the source, hence why the ending rebuffers. (DJ Particle)
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Messages about the show: "Revenge of the Particle - October 15, 2005"

DJ Particle   Offline  -  Moderator, Artist & D.J.  -  07-09-09 12:55 PM  -  15 years ago
This is the earliest show that will be posted to the MMA. Before this point, Revenge was not within the MMA's format.
belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-09-09 03:14 PM  -  15 years ago
But. . .but. . .I LIKE THE RAVE TOO!!!! I understand though--I'm actually interested in those shows to, but definitely see why you'd not post anything before you were a comedy show.
DJ Particle   Offline  -  Moderator, Artist & D.J.  -  07-09-09 03:29 PM  -  15 years ago
The 'Quickrave' equivalent in the "oldies" version of Revenge was the "Disco Half-Hour", btw ;) so there were no raves in the old Revenge anyway

Besides, there are clips from the 2 remaining old Revenges that still exist (I didn't record them much back then) in the first clip show from Memorial Day weekend 2006. I think I may post that one next. Not sure yet.
belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-09-09 05:11 PM  -  15 years ago
If so that'd be cool--as you can tell from "Mix Two Chemicals", "Don't Touch My Mohawk" and "Rough Stuff" I like disco too--anything with a fun beat, you essentially combined my two favorite genres (Comedy/Dance-techno-rave-eletronic-disco etc) for your show, that's at least partially why I'm such a big fan of the show.

DJ Particle:
The 'Quickrave' equivalent in the "oldies" version of Revenge was the "Disco Half-Hour", btw ;) so there were no raves in the old Revenge anyway

Besides, there are clips from the 2 remaining old Revenges that still exist (I didn't record them much back then) in the first clip show from Memorial Day weekend 2006. I think I may post that one next. Not sure yet.
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