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World of Belfcraft - Letomi
Halloween Carol - Jack & the Lanterns
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Dan Bull
I Will Never Be a Star - Ylvis
Cause It's French - Tony Goldmark feat. Kyle Kallgren & Ven Hosky
2005 - Iodine11
Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Insane Ian
Fish Eye Lens - Strong Bad
Driving Song, The - Michelle Glavan
All About the Books - Nashville Public Library
Getting Raptured - Camille West
#BELFIE - DJ Particle feat. Kavo, Ceschiia, Xinny Lishous, Break Man Z
Princess Rap Battle: Snow White vs. Elsa - Whitney Avalon feat. Katja Glieson
Doctor of Gallifrey - Marc Gunn
Because I Got High (Positive Remix) - Afroman
Women Who Fall From the Sky - Calvin Stewart
Mission Statement - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Paywutchyalike - Devo Spice feat. Luke Ski
PuG It Off - Letomi
All About That Deeps - Iodine11
Tweet It - Pantless Knights
Neurotica - Luke Ski
Internet Famous - Insane Ian feat. Chris Ballew
I Like Kyle - Luke Ski feat. Insane Ian, Power Salad, Dino-Mike, Kornflake
I Am a Robot - The Consortium of Genius
Scoob - Luke Ski feat. Carrie Dahlby
Sports Song - "Weird Al" Yankovic
NOW That's What I Call Polka! - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Rifftrax - Jonathan Coulton
I'm Leaving the Fandom - Rhubarb
ScientLOLojyuuichi - Nuclear Bubble Wrap
Close to You - Clams, The
Fueled By Angst - Worm Quartet
First World Problems - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Married in London - Janis Ian
Lo Pan Style - Wekejay feat. James Hong
Shoehorn With Teeth - Moxy Früvous feat. DaVinci's Notebook
Booty Parody - Bart Baker feat. Devyn Deloera
Booty Parody - Charlie Hides
Space Game - MC Lars
Foil - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Fast Food Song - Fast Food Rockers
Roll a D6 - Assorted Intricacies
Kyle, Are You Ian? - Scooter Picnic
Tacky - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Lame Claim to Fame - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Marvel Poppins - Luke Ski feat. Carrie Dahlby
DJ Play My Song - Schmoyoho feat. Cyrah, DeStorm, Psy
Punk Rock Girl - Dead Milkmen
Because I Bought Live (XBox) - Euee
Mary Poppins Quits - Kristen Bell
My OCD - Rhett & Link
Honey-Glazed Ham - Tom Smith
Word Crimes - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Mad Music Top 20 Revenge, Episode 14-42, October 17, 2014
Topic: Show 530


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