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Stupid Audio 4.0

By: David Tanny


Download Album (MP3) - $5.00
This CD is sold as a download from this website only. It is no longer being produced in CD form. davidtanny 


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Oops! He did it again! David Tanny hit Britney one more time in his latest CD release of dementia modestly titled "Stupid Audio 4.0" with enough comedy to ... drive you crazy? This CD includes two enhanced versions of the songs that were on "Stupid Audio 3.0", "Centipede", remastered on a Windows Vista machine, and "What If Your Wife was a Man" with extended lyrics. And if one video game song parody isn't enough, we have yet another one paying tribute to the yellow gobbler in "I'm a Pac-Man", doing a B.B. King style song from the viewpoint of the gobbler himself! Two takes of the song are included: the earlier one without the sound effects, and a new mix with the sound effects. Stupid Audio makes fun out of celebrities including a baseball player. In the sketch "Coco Crisp," the couple argues whether it's a baseball player or a cereal, and the announcer comes in declaring that it's both in this parody of a 1975 "Saturday Night Live" sketch originally done as "Shimmer" featring Gilda Radner, Dan Aykroyd, and Chevy Chase. David Hasselhoff gets skewered in this mock sendup of a fast-food commercial where he's making an internet video while eating a cheeseburger on the floor. SCTV also gets the Stupid Audio treatment as the "Great Big North" features the subject of beer and plugs "Hilary Duff Beer", combining a celebrity with a product from a cartoon show. A song about a music website that is not Myspace is featured as "Fump." Two mixes are on the CD including the earlier demo released a few months earlier. Asked why he did a takeoff on Napoleon XIV starring a fan who "sees" Linday Lohan everywhere, he replied, "Somebody had to do it." There was so much material on the CD that one of the sketches originally planned for inclusion, "The Adventures of Humid Man", will be bumped to the "Stupid Audio 5.0" CD. A "Demented Video" (formerly titled Stupid TV) complilation of the greatest dementia inspired by video is in the works. Already written but not mastered or recorded is enough material to fill the next "Stupid Audio 5.0" CD including an epic four-part sketch paying tribute to another comedy music act, another installment of the "Watch The Frog" series, a rap about what D.T. used to do back in 1981, another cartoon parody, and other ideas just floating around in various incarnations at the moment. davidtanny
  • CD Jacket Liner Notes:

    Even more dementia is packed into this "4.0.1" edition of the Stupid Audio series.

    This CD includes two enhanced versions of the songs that were on "Stupid Audio 3.0", two versions of four songs including another one based on a video game, making fun of a celebrity that was on youtube, a parody of a Saturday Night Live sketch, a takeoff on the Great White North, a song about a website that is not myspace, making fun of Britney Spears again, and once more, some sweepers from the late stream of dfsx.

    This CD as well as "Stupid Audio 1.0", "Stupid Audio 2.0", and "Stupid Audio 3.0", are available by going to, and you can sample some of the songs at

    1. Centipede 2007 Mix (2007) - an enhanced mix of the 2006 hit "Centipede" found on "Stupid Audio 3.0"

    2. Coco Crisp (2007) - it's a baseball player and a cereal in this takeoff of the Saturday Night Live "Shimmer" commercial spoof from 1975.

    3. Lindsay Lohan (2007) - a fan's obsession with a celebrity lands him into a padded cell!

    4. Hilary Duff Beer (2007) - doing a salute to Bob and Doug McKenzie (Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas") from the "SCTV Network 90" days of 1981-83 on NBC,

    5. Brokeback Mice (2006) - we turn a Mountain into a Mouse with this parody.

    6. Fump (2007) - a song about a Funny Music Project website. This take was recorded on the Windows Vista machine.

    7. G.E. Sucks Letter (1991) - David Tanny gets a letter read by David Letterman on August 23, 1991.

    8. Barney vs. The Terminator (1993)

    9. Zeem - David Tanny at age 12 (1972, doing several versions of a sketch on an old tape machine based on a sketch from "The Electric Company.")

    10. I'm a Pac-Man with Sounds (2007) - this time, the video game character gets to sing the video game blues.

    11. At Least I Know How To...(radio edit) (2007) - everybody knows how to do at least one thing, right?

    12. Eek - David Tanny at age 12 (1972, doing several versions of a sketch of "The Electric Company"

    13. Boobs Boobs Boobs (2007) - a reworking of a song with the melody originally used for "Britney Spears" way back in 2000.

    14. Craps Jr. with David Hasselhoff (2007) - this commercial parody is based on an Internet video about David Hasselhoff eating a cheeseburger on the floor. Anybody know how many cheeseburgers the fast food restaurants sold since the video was posted?

    15. Commentary: Pussified Radio (2007) - from a June 2006 episode of the Dementia Top 20 Zone from the now-defunct stream of DFSX.

    16. CD Interruption 2 (2007)

    17. What if Your Wife Was a Man Extended (2007) - an extended mix of the song found on "Stupid Audio 3.0" with three additional verses added.

    18. Britney Spears's Bald (2007) - using the melody of the original "Britney Spears" song, which was also used in the "Boobs Boobs Boobs" song above.

    19. Achoo Sneezing Powder (2006) - still another Wacky Package come to life

    20. Fump take 1 (2007) - demo version, recorded on the old Windows 98 machine.

    21. Boobs Boobs Boobs w/o vocals (2007) - just the boobs boobs boobs chant

    22. I'm a Pac-Man take 1 (2007) - demo version

    23. Tone and Warning - take this CD out because the next song that follows may be offensive to some listeners.

    24. At Least I Know How To...(unedited) (2007) - everybody knows how to do at least one thing, right?

    © 2000-2008 David Tanny. All Rights Reserved. Songs parodied on this CD (fair-use provision) remain the property of their copyright holders.

    Visit to listen to podcasts of some of my shows! Also visit,, and

    Address: David Tanny, PO Box 19569, San Diego, CA 92159-0569.


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