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Artist Details

Dr. Dave
Date Born/Group Began:
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Also Known As:
David Kolin (sav-man)

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Messages about the artist: "Dr. Dave"

spiderama   Offline  -  Member  -  08-12-06 08:38 PM  -  18 years ago
Dr. Dave recorded this tune during the time he was trying to break into the world of radio, doing phone calls to local radio stations, doing impressions of celebrities. He also did spoof songs and this one was very popular to the listening audience once it was played on radio. At the time of the recording, he was married to his first wife who knew him while he was in dental school, working towards an orthodontic specialization. Although e never ever practiced dentistry, he kept the name Dr. Dave. Before heading off to orthodontia classes, he would awaken pre-dawn to call in comedy bits and spoofs to the radio station. This was his start in the business. HIs wife chose to dissolve their long marriage as the radio business impacted life in a very negative way.

The record, a vinyl LP, made it to Tower records, but did not sell. Dr. Dave still works in radio on an executive level.
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