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The MMCZ Anthology April 16, 2011 #11-16
Topic: The Funny Top 20 Radio Show #11-12

Next week: A special birthday surprise.

Listing added by:  davidtanny

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Messages about the show: "The MMCZ Anthology April 16, 2011 #11-16"

davidtanny   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  04-18-11 12:32 PM  -  13 years ago
Through #11-16:Top 20 of 2011 So Far

The weekly FT20 survey has released a 1/3 of the year recap of the most requested
songs of the year according to our voters.

Points, then Song Title
202 Who Cut the Cheese - Smoothe Teddy B. and T.G. Mofo M.C.
122 L. A. Dream - Henry Phillips
121 (Breakfast with) Joe, the Love Potato - Duck Logic
090 Scrambled Eggs - Paul McCartney featuring Jimmy Fallon
088 The Elements - Daniel Radcliffe
083 A Day At The Races - Nipsey Russell
079 Frazzled - Dale Gonyea
077 Every Cent You Make - Paul Shanklin
075 Women's Convention - Nipsey Russell
069 Yuppie Drone - The Pheromones
064 A Couple Of Nuts - Dean and Jerry
063 Charlie Says (Charlie Sheen) - Slant 6 and the Jumpstarts
055 Atheists Don't Have No Songs - Steve Martin
051 Hang Up and Drive - Ray Stevens
050 Hell Motor Oil - David Tanny
048 The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins - Leonard Nimoy (of Star Trek)
042 Enter Sandman - Metallica
041 They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! - Napoleon XIV
041 I've Got A Big Organ - Dean and Jerry
040 Another One Rides the Bus - "Weird Al" Yankovic

Keep voting each and every freaking week to get your alternative funny dementia songs on.

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