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Revenge of the Particle - July 18, 2009
Topic: Show 256


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Listing added by:  DJ Particle

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Messages about the show: "Revenge of the Particle - July 18, 2009"

belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-19-09 05:16 PM  -  15 years ago
One time I will join you guys eventually, but I've been going to concerts Saturday night, this week was The Commodores. . .
Medemia   Offline  -  Artist  -  07-20-09 12:47 AM  -  15 years ago
The Commodores? Sweet. I didn't even realize they were still alive.

Do you think they're 64 years old yet? (letting the joke go by...)
belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-20-09 07:10 AM  -  15 years ago
I don't know, but they've aged well based on their vocals. . .I was far enough back to not get hit by people booty shaking to Brick House :)

The Commodores? Sweet. I didn't even realize they were still alive.

Do you think they're 64 years old yet? (letting the joke go by...)
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