Max DeGroot
(Max DeGroot)
Date Born/Group Began:
Sometime in 2008
(Max DeGroot)
Date Died/Group Ended:
"Still Alive"
(Max DeGroot)
Also Known As:
Max DeGroot is this old guy who lives in Columbus, Ohio. He's always been interested in funny music, since Allan Sherman went off to Camp Grenada, Tom Lehrer was on "That Was The Week That Was", and The Detergents recorded "Leader of the Laundromat".
It wasn't until 2004, however, that he did his first decent parody, which will be re-recorded soon. You can find it on YouTube if you know where to look.
He did not record another parody until 2008, then recorded a flurry of them that year, because...well...because people liked them!
Then, encouraged by a few fans, he started posting his parodies on The FuMP, where he was discovered by DJ Particle and others. His very first post there was featured as a Bleeding Edge on the DT20. After two more of his parodies were Bleeding Edged, he finally broke into the DT20 with two songs, "Ode To Susan Boyle" and "Halitosis".
He has finally hit paydirt with "Ode To Susan Boyle", which was featured on The Doctor Demento Show May 9, 2009, June 7, 2009, and February 7, 2010. His parody "Census" became #1 on the Doctor Demento Top Ten for March and April of 2010, and is presently set to be the #3 song of the year on that show.
By the end of 2009, 15 of his parodies and silly songs made the Top 100 of the DT20 for 2009.
He presently has two CDs out, and shows no signs of slowing down.
(Max DeGroot)
Played on 567 shows: |
| 03-24-24, #SF_31 | | 12-03-12, #KMCC_7-04 |
| 03-01-24, #ISGD-24-03 | | 12-01-12, #MMP-20 |
| 02-24-24, #KMCC-18-13 | | 11-30-12, #MMDT20_12-48 |
| 02-03-24, #MMS-263 | | 11-24-12, #AOTA-121124 |
| 10-29-23, #SF_11 | | 11-05-12, #KMCC_7-03 |
| 08-12-23, #KMCC-16-14 | | 11-02-12, #MMDT20_12-44 |
| 07-15-23, #KMCC-16-17 | | 10-26-12, #MMDT20_12-43 |
| 02-18-23, #KMCC-17-13 | | 10-25-12, #ISGD-12-43 |
| 12-30-22, #WOTR_308 | | 10-20-12, #AOTA-121020 |
| 12-24-22, #KMCC-17-09 | | 10-19-12, #MMDT20_12-42 |
| 10-16-22, #MMS-244 | | 10-16-12, #BWR-12-10-16 |
| 09-03-22, #KMCC-17-01 | | 10-14-12, #MMS-156 |
| 01-21-22, #WOTR_261 | | 10-12-12, #MMDT20_12-41 |
| 08-07-21, #WOTR_239 | | 10-11-12, #ISGD-12-41 |
| 05-29-21, #KMCC-15-20 | | 10-09-12, #BWR-12-10-09 |
| 04-17-21, #KMCC-15-17 | | 10-05-12, #MMDT20_12-40 |
| 03-27-21, #AOTA-210327 | | 09-03-12, #KMCC_7-01 |
| 03-19-21, #WOTR_217 | | 08-24-12, #MMDT20_12-34 |
| 12-19-20, #KMCC-15-09 | | 07-27-12, #MMDT20_12-30 |
| 12-13-20, #OTR-6-8 | | 07-20-12, #MMDT20_12-29 |
| 10-30-20, #WOTR_197 | | 06-29-12, #MMDT20_12-26 |
| 10-27-20, #MMP-56 | | 06-26-12, #BWR-12-06-26 |
| 10-17-20, #KMCC-15-03 | | 06-22-12, #MMDT20_12-25 |
| 09-26-20, #AOTA-200926 | | 05-18-12, #MMDT20_12-20 |
| 09-19-20, #AOTA-200919 | | 05-15-12, #BWR-12-05-15 |
| 09-19-20, #KMCC-15-02 | | 03-22-12, #ISGD-12-12 |
| 07-11-20, #AOTA-200711 | | 03-20-12, #BWR-12-03-20 |
| 07-03-20, #OTR-6-3 | | 03-10-12, #ISGD-12-10 |
| 05-15-20, #WOTR_177 | | 03-10-12, #AOTA-120310 |
| 04-25-20, #AOTA-200425 | | 03-09-12, #MMDT20_12-10 |
| 04-18-20, #AOTA-200418 | | 03-02-12, #MMDT20_12-09 |
| 03-28-20, #KMCC-14-16 | | 02-24-12, #MMDT20_12-08 |
| 03-20-20, #WOTR_174 | | 02-21-12, #BWR-12-02-21 |
| 03-14-20, #KMCC-14-15 | | 02-17-12, #MMDT20_12-07 |
| 02-01-20, #KMCC-14-12 | | 02-10-12, #MMDT20_12-06 |
| 01-18-20, #AOTA-200118 | | 01-20-12, #MMDT20_12-03 |
| 01-11-20, #AOTA-200111 | | 01-17-12, #BWR-12-01-17 |
| 01-10-20, #WOTR_164 | | 12-30-11, #ROTP_384 |
| 12-25-19, #AOTA-191225 | | 12-25-11, #MMS-148 |
| 11-02-19, #KMCC-14-05 | | 12-24-11, #ISGD-11-52 |
| 10-30-19, #MMS-235 | | 12-23-11, #ROTP_383 |
| 10-12-19, #AOTA-191012 | | 12-23-11, #MMDT20_11-51 |
| 10-04-19, #WOTR_150 | | 12-16-11, #MMDT20_11-50 |
| 08-24-19, #AOTA-190824 | | 12-13-11, #BWR-11-12-13 |
| 07-27-19, #MMS-234 | | 12-09-11, #ROTP_381 |
| 06-30-19, #OTR-5-26 | | 12-09-11, #MMDT20_11-49 |
| 05-11-19, #AOTA-190511 | | 12-06-11, #BWR-11-12-06 |
| 04-13-19, #KMCC-13-17 | | 11-25-11, #ROTP_379 |
| 04-13-19, #KMCC-13-17 | | 11-18-11, #ROTP_378 |
| 03-22-19, #WOTR_131 | | 11-05-11, #MMCZ-11-45 |
| 03-17-19, #OTR-5-11 | | 10-21-11, #ROTP_374 |
| 03-16-19, #KMCC-13-15 | | 10-07-11, #MMDT20_11-40 |
| 03-03-19, #OTR-5-9 | | 09-30-11, #MMDT20_11-39 |
| 02-24-19, #OTR-5-8 | | 09-23-11, #ROTP_370 |
| 02-03-19, #OTR-5-5 | | 09-23-11, #MMDT20_11-38 |
| 01-06-19, #OTR-5-1 | | 09-20-11, #BWR-11-09-20 |
| 12-23-18, #OTR-4-51 | | 09-16-11, #MMDT20_11-37 |
| 11-25-18, #OTR-4-47 | | 09-13-11, #BWR-11-09-13 |
| 11-04-18, #OTR-4-44 | | 09-10-11, #AOTA-110910 |
| 10-28-18, #OTR-4-43 | | 09-09-11, #ROTP_368 |
| 09-28-18, #WOTR_104 | | 08-12-11, #ROTP_364 |
| 09-15-18, #KMCC-13-02 | | 07-29-11, #ROTP_362 |
| 08-17-18, #WOTR_99 | | 07-22-11, #ROTP_361 |
| 07-22-18, #OTR-4-29 | | 07-01-11, #MMDT20_11-26 |
| 07-20-18, #WOTR_95 | | 06-24-11, #MMDT20_11-25 |
| 07-15-18, #OTR-4-28 | | 06-17-11, #MMDT20_11-24 |
| 07-08-18, #OTR-4-27 | | 06-14-11, #BWR-11-06-14 |
| 05-13-18, #OTR-4-19 | | 06-10-11, #ROTP_355 |
| 04-29-18, #OTR-4-17 | | 06-10-11, #MMDT20_11-23 |
| 03-31-18, #KMCC SE 003 | | 06-04-11, #MMCZ-11-23 |
| 03-25-18, #OTR-4-12 | | 05-27-11, #MMDT20_11-21 |
| 03-11-18, #OTR-4-10 | | 05-21-11, #AOTA-110521 |
| 03-10-18, #KMCC-12-14 | | 05-20-11, #ROTP_352 |
| 12-31-17, #OTR-3-52 | | 05-20-11, #MMDT20_11-20 |
| 12-31-17, #KMCC-T24 | | 05-07-11, #AOTA-110507 |
| 12-24-17, #MMS-223 | | 05-06-11, #ROTP_350 |
| 12-22-17, #WOTR_65 | | 05-06-11, #MMDT20_11-18 |
| 12-17-17, #OTR-3-51 | | 04-29-11, #ROTP_349 |
| 12-10-17, #MMS-220 | | 04-29-11, #MMDT20_11-17 |
| 12-09-17, #AOTA-171209 | | 04-23-11, #AOTA-110423 |
| 12-08-17, #WOTR_63 | | 03-26-11, #AOTA-110326 |
| 11-25-17, #AOTA-171125 | | 03-05-11, #AOTA-110305 |
| 11-25-17, #KMCC-12-07 | | 03-04-11, #ROTP_341 |
| 10-31-17, #MMS-218 | | 03-04-11, #MMDT20_11-09 |
| 10-30-17, #OTR-3-44 | | 02-26-11, #MMCZ-11-10 |
| 10-28-17, #AOTA-171028 | | 02-12-11, #AOTA-110212 |
| 10-28-17, #KMCC- 12-05 | | 02-11-11, #MMDT20_11-06 |
| 10-21-17, #KMCC-T12-49 | | 02-04-11, #ROTP_337 |
| 10-20-17, #WOTR_55 | | 02-04-11, #MMDT20_11-05 |
| 10-14-17, #KMCC-12-04 | | 01-28-11, #MMDT20_11-04 |
| 10-07-17, #KMCC-T12-47 | | 01-21-11, #MMDT20_11-03 |
| 10-01-17, #OTR-3-40 | | 01-14-11, #ROTP_334 |
| 09-30-17, #KMCC- 12-03 | | 01-14-11, #MMDT20_11-02 |
| 09-24-17, #OTR-3-39 | | 01-07-11, #ROTP_333 |
| 09-23-17, #KMCC-T12-45 | | 01-01-11, #11-01 |
| 09-16-17, #KMCC- 12-02 | | 12-31-10, #ROTP_332 |
| 08-30-17, #ISGD-17-37 | | 12-31-10, #MMDT20_10-53 |
| 08-14-17, #OTR-3-33 | | 12-31-10, #MMDT20_10-FY |
| 07-17-17, #OTR-3-29 | | 12-25-10, #MMP-2 |
| 06-02-17, #WOTR_36 | | 12-25-10, #MMCZ-10-59 |
| 05-27-17, #KMCC-11-18 | | 12-24-10, #MMDT20_10-52 |
| 05-27-17, #AOTA-170527 | | 12-18-10, #MMS-136 |
| 05-24-17, #ISGD-17-20 | | 12-17-10, #ROTP_330 |
| 04-29-17, #KMCC-11-17 | | 12-17-10, #MMDT20_10-51 |
| 03-27-17, #OTR-3-13 | | 12-11-10, #MMCZ-10-57 |
| 03-24-17, #WOTR_26 | | 12-10-10, #ROTP_329 |
| 03-18-17, #AOTA-170318 | | 12-10-10, #MMDT20_10-50 |
| 03-15-17, #ISGD-17-11 | | 12-04-10, #MMCZ-10-55 |
| 02-19-17, #OTR-3-8 | | 12-03-10, #ROTP_328 |
| 02-18-17, #KMCC-11-12 | | 12-03-10, #MMDT20_10-49 |
| 01-23-17, #KMCC-11-10 | | 11-28-10, #MMCZ-10-54 |
| 01-14-17, #AOTA-170114 | | 11-27-10, #MMCZ-10-53 |
| 01-08-17, #WOTR_20 | | 11-26-10, #ROTP_327 |
| 01-01-17, #OTR-3-01 | | 11-26-10, #MMDT20_10-48 |
| 12-31-16, #16-53 | | 11-20-10, #MMCZ-10-51 |
| 12-24-16, #KMCC-11-08 | | 11-19-10, #ROTP_326 |
| 12-18-16, #OTR-2-49 | | 11-13-10, #MMCZ-10-49 |
| 12-14-16, #ISGD-16-51 | | 11-12-10, #ROTP_325 |
| 12-11-16, #OTR-2-48 | | 11-07-10, #MMCZ-10-48 |
| 12-10-16, #KMCC-11-07 | | 11-06-10, #MMCZ-10-47 |
| 11-26-16, #AOTA-161126 | | 10-31-10, #MMCZ-10-46 |
| 11-06-16, #OTR-2-43 | | 10-30-10, #MMCZ-10-45 |
| 10-29-16, #AOTA-161029 | | 10-29-10, #ROTP_323 |
| 10-24-16, #MMS-202 | | 10-24-10, #MMCZ-10-44 |
| 10-14-16, #MMP-45 | | 10-16-10, #MMCZ-10-42 |
| 09-08-16, #ISGD-16-38 | | 10-15-10, #ROTP_321 |
| 05-30-16, #MM-467 | | 10-15-10, #MMDT20_10-42 |
| 05-29-16, #WOTR_01 | | 10-09-10, #MMCZ-10-41 |
| 05-14-16, #ISGD-16-21 | | 10-01-10, #MMDT20_10-40 |
| 05-02-16, #MMP-40 | | 09-25-10, #MMCZ-10-39 |
| 04-30-16, #16-18 | | 09-24-10, #MMDT20_10-39 |
| 04-23-16, #AOTA-160423 | | 09-11-10, #MMCZ-10-37 |
| 04-16-16, #AOTA-160416 | | 09-10-10, #MMDT20_10-37 |
| 03-26-16, #16-13 | | 09-04-10, #10-36 |
| 02-27-16, #16-09 | | 09-03-10, #MMDT20_10-36 |
| 12-25-15, #MMDT20_15-52 | | 08-27-10, #ROTP_314 |
| 12-18-15, #MMDT20_15-51 | | 08-27-10, #MMDT20_10-35 |
| 10-17-15, #ISGD-15-44 | | 08-06-10, #MMDT20_10-32 |
| 10-11-15, #BWR-15-10-11 | | 07-30-10, #MMDT20_10-31 |
| 07-17-15, #MMDT20_15-29 | | 07-25-10, #MMCZ-10-31 |
| 07-10-15, #MMDT20_15-28 | | 07-24-10, #10-30 |
| 07-03-15, #MMDT20_15-27 | | 07-23-10, #ROTP_309 |
| 06-26-15, #MMDT20_15-26 | | 07-23-10, #MMDT20_10-30 |
| 03-27-15, #MMDT20_15-13 | | 07-16-10, #ROTP_308 |
| 02-27-15, #MMDT20_15-09 | | 07-16-10, #MMDT20_10-29 |
| 01-30-15, #MMDT20_15-05 | | 07-09-10, #ROTP_307 |
| 12-27-14, #AOTA-141227 | | 07-09-10, #MMDT20_10-28 |
| 12-26-14, #MMDT20_14-52 | | 07-04-10, #MMDT20_10-HY |
| 12-19-14, #MMDT20_14-51 | | 07-02-10, #ROTP_306 |
| 10-18-14, #WOR-141018 | | 07-02-10, #MMDT20_10-27 |
| 10-12-14, #MMP-33 | | 07-01-10, #MMCZ-10-27 |
| 10-03-14, #MMDT20_14-40 | | 06-25-10, #ROTP_305 |
| 07-19-14, #ISGD-14-39 | | 06-25-10, #MMDT20_10-26 |
| 07-04-14, #ISGD-14-37 | | 06-18-10, #MMDT20_10-25 |
| 06-20-14, #MMDT20_14-25 | | 06-11-10, #MMDT20_10-24 |
| 06-17-14, #BWR-14-06-17 | | 06-04-10, #MMDT20_10-23 |
| 06-13-14, #MMDT20_14-24 | | 05-29-10, #10-22 |
| 06-06-14, #MMDT20_14-23 | | 05-28-10, #MMDT20_10-22 |
| 06-03-14, #BWR-14-06-03 | | 05-28-10, #ROTP_301 |
| 05-31-14, #AOTA-140531 | | 05-21-10, #MMDT20_10-21 |
| 05-30-14, #MMDT20_14-22 | | 05-16-10, #10-20 |
| 05-26-14, #MM-363 | | 05-15-10, #ROTP_299 |
| 05-16-14, #MMDT20_14-20 | | 05-14-10, #MMDT20_10-20 |
| 05-10-14, #AOTA-140510 | | 05-08-10, #ROTP_298 |
| 05-09-14, #MMDT20_14-19 | | 05-07-10, #MMDT20_10-19 |
| 05-06-14, #BWR-14-05-06 | | 05-04-10, #KMCC_6-09 |
| 05-03-14, #AOTA-140503 | | 04-30-10, #MMDT20_10-18 |
| 05-03-14, #ISGD-14-24 | | 04-25-10, #10-17 |
| 05-02-14, #MMDT20_14-18 | | 04-23-10, #MMDT20_10-17 |
| 04-26-14, #AOTA-140426 | | 04-16-10, #MMDT20_10-16 |
| 04-25-14, #MMDT20_14-17 | | 04-09-10, #MMDT20_10-15 |
| 04-22-14, #BWR-14-04-22 | | 04-03-10, #ROTP_293 |
| 04-19-14, #AOTA-140419 | | 04-02-10, #MMDT20_10-14 |
| 04-18-14, #MMDT20_14-16 | | 03-28-10, #10-13 |
| 03-25-14, #BWR-14-03-25 | | 03-28-10, #MMCZ-10-13 |
| 03-04-14, #BWR-14-03-04 | | 03-27-10, #ROTP_292 |
| 02-22-14, #ISGD-14-12 | | 03-26-10, #MMDT20_10-13 |
| 02-02-14, #MMS-183 | | 03-20-10, #ROTP_291 |
| 01-05-14, #MMP-25 | | 03-19-10, #MMDT20_10-12 |
| 01-02-14, #ISGD-14-01 | | 03-14-10, #10-11 |
| 12-31-13, #BWR-13-12-31 | | 03-13-10, #ROTP_290 |
| 12-31-13, #MMDT20_13-FY | | 03-12-10, #MMDT20_10-11 |
| 12-30-13, #ISGD-13-57 | | 03-06-10, #ROTP_289 |
| 12-28-13, #AOTA-131228 | | 03-05-10, #MMDT20_10-10 |
| 12-28-13, #13-52 | | 02-28-10, #10-09 |
| 12-27-13, #MMDT20_13-52 | | 02-27-10, #ROTP_288 |
| 12-25-13, #MMS-182 | | 02-26-10, #MMDT20_10-09 |
| 12-24-13, #BWR-13-12-24 | | 02-20-10, #ROTP_287 |
| 12-20-13, #MMDT20_13-51 | | 02-19-10, #MMDT20_10-08 |
| 12-14-13, #MMP-24 | | 02-13-10, #ROTP_286 |
| 12-13-13, #MMDT20_13-50 | | 02-12-10, #MMDT20_10-07 |
| 12-11-13, #ISGD-13-53 | | 02-07-10, #10-06 |
| 12-10-13, #BWR-13-12-10 | | 02-06-10, #ROTP_285 |
| 12-06-13, #MMDT20_13-49 | | 02-05-10, #MMDT20_10-06 |
| 12-04-13, #ISGD-13-52 | | 01-31-10, #MMCZ-10-05 |
| 11-29-13, #MMDT20_13-48 | | 01-29-10, #MMDT20_10-05 |
| 11-22-13, #MMDT20_13-47 | | 01-23-10, #ROTP_283 |
| 11-15-13, #MMDT20_13-46 | | 01-22-10, #MMDT20_10-04 |
| 11-08-13, #MMDT20_13-45 | | 01-17-10, #MMCZ-10-03 |
| 11-01-13, #MMDT20_13-44 | | 01-16-10, #ROTP_282 |
| 10-25-13, #MMDT20_13-43 | | 01-15-10, #MMDT20_10-03 |
| 10-18-13, #MMDT20_13-42 | | 01-09-10, #ROTP_281 |
| 10-15-13, #BWR-13-10-15 | | 01-08-10, #MMDT20_10-02 |
| 10-11-13, #MMDT20_13-41 | | 01-03-10, #MMCZ-10-01 |
| 10-05-13, #MMS-174 | | 01-02-10, #ROTP_280 |
| 10-04-13, #MMDT20_13-40 | | 01-01-10, #MMDT20_10-01 |
| 10-03-13, #ISGD-13-40 | | 12-31-09, #MMDT20_09-FY |
| 09-27-13, #MMDT20_13-39 | | 12-26-09, #ROTP_279 |
| 09-26-13, #ISGD-13-39 | | 12-25-09, #MMDT20_09-52 |
| 09-20-13, #MMDT20_13-38 | | 12-20-09, #MMS-134 |
| 09-13-13, #MMDT20_13-37 | | 12-20-09, #MMCZ-09-49 |
| 09-12-13, #ISGD-13-37 | | 12-19-09, #ROTP_278 |
| 09-06-13, #MMDT20_13-36 | | 12-18-09, #MMDT20_09-51 |
| 09-05-13, #ISGD-13-36 | | 12-13-09, #MMCZ-09-48 |
| 09-01-13, #MMS-169 | | 12-12-09, #ROTP_277 |
| 08-30-13, #MMDT20_13-35 | | 12-11-09, #MMDT20_09-50 |
| 08-23-13, #MMDT20_13-34 | | 12-06-09, #MMCZ-09-47 |
| 08-22-13, #ISGD-13-34 | | 12-05-09, #ROTP_276 |
| 08-16-13, #MMDT20_13-33 | | 12-04-09, #MMDT20_09-49 |
| 08-13-13, #BWR-13-08-13 | | 11-28-09, #ROTP_275 |
| 08-09-13, #MMDT20_13-32 | | 11-27-09, #MMDT20_09-48 |
| 08-02-13, #MMDT20_13-31 | | 11-20-09, #MMDT20_09-47 |
| 07-26-13, #MMDT20_13-30 | | 11-14-09, #ROTP_273 |
| 07-19-13, #MMDT20_13-29 | | 11-13-09, #MMDT20_09-46 |
| 07-12-13, #MMDT20_13-28 | | 11-07-09, #ROTP_272 |
| 07-06-13, #AOTA-130706 | | 11-06-09, #MMDT20_09-45 |
| 07-05-13, #MMDT20_13-27 | | 10-30-09, #MMDT20_09-44 |
| 07-04-13, #MMDT20_13-HY | | 10-24-09, #ROTP_270 |
| 06-28-13, #MMDT20_13-26 | | 10-23-09, #MMDT20_09-43 |
| 06-21-13, #MMDT20_13-25 | | 10-17-09, #ROTP_269 |
| 06-21-13, #ISGD-13-25 | | 10-16-09, #MMDT20_09-42 |
| 06-14-13, #MMDT20_13-24 | | 10-10-09, #ROTP_268 |
| 06-08-13, #MMS-162 | | 10-09-09, #MMDT20_09-41 |
| 06-07-13, #MMDT20_13-23 | | 10-09-09, #BR-09-84 |
| 05-31-13, #MMDT20_13-22 | | 10-03-09, #ROTP_267 |
| 05-28-13, #BWR-13-05-28 | | 10-02-09, #MMDT20_09-40 |
| 05-25-13, #13-21 | | 09-18-09, #MMDT20_09-38 |
| 05-24-13, #MMDT20_13-21 | | 09-12-09, #ROTP_264 |
| 05-21-13, #BWR-13-05-21 | | 09-11-09, #MMDT20_09-37 |
| 05-18-13, #AOTA-130518 | | 09-06-09, #MMCZ-09-34 |
| 05-17-13, #MMDT20_13-20 | | 09-05-09, #ROTP_263 |
| 05-16-13, #ISGD-13-20 | | 09-04-09, #MMDT20_09-36 |
| 05-14-13, #BWR-13-05-14 | | 08-29-09, #ROTP_262 |
| 05-11-13, #AOTA-130511 | | 08-28-09, #MMDT20_09-35 |
| 05-10-13, #MMDT20_13-19 | | 08-28-09, #BR-09-79 |
| 05-07-13, #KMCC_7-09 | | 08-23-09, #BAD_08-23-09 |
| 05-03-13, #MMDT20_13-18 | | 08-21-09, #MMDT20_09-34 |
| 05-03-13, #ISGD-13-18 | | 08-16-09, #MMCZ-09-31 |
| 04-27-13, #13-17 | | 08-15-09, #ROTP_260 |
| 04-26-13, #MMDT20_13-17 | | 08-09-09, #BAD_08-09-09 |
| 04-20-13, #AOTA-130420 | | 08-08-09, #BR-09-76 |
| 04-19-13, #MMDT20_13-16 | | 07-26-09, #BAD_07-26-09 |
| 04-13-13, #AOTA-130413 | | 07-24-09, #MMDT20_09-30 |
| 04-12-13, #MMDT20_13-15 | | 07-18-09, #ROTP_256 |
| 04-09-13, #BWR-13-04-09 | | 07-17-09, #MMDT20_09-29 |
| 04-06-13, #AOTA-130406 | | 07-12-09, #BAD_07-12-09 |
| 04-05-13, #MMDT20_13-14 | | 07-11-09, #ROTP_255 |
| 04-04-13, #ISGD-13-14 | | 07-10-09, #MMDT20_09-28 |
| 04-03-13, #KMCC_7-08 | | 07-03-09, #MMDT20_09-27 |
| 03-30-13, #13-13 | | 07-03-09, #BR-09-72 |
| 03-29-13, #MMDT20_13/13 | | 06-26-09, #MMDT20_09-26 |
| 03-22-13, #MMDT20_13-12 | | 06-20-09, #ROTP_252 |
| 03-19-13, #BWR-13-03-19 | | 06-19-09, #MMDT20_09-25 |
| 03-16-13, #AOTA-130316 | | 06-16-09, #KMCC_5-19 |
| 03-13-13, #ISGD-13-11 | | 06-12-09, #MMDT20_09-24 |
| 03-12-13, #BWR-13-03-12 | | 06-07-09, #09-23 |
| 03-08-13, #MMDT20_13-10 | | 06-06-09, #ROTP_250 |
| 03-05-13, #BWR-13-03-05 | | 06-05-09, #MMDT20_09-23 |
| 03-01-13, #MMDT20_13-09 | | 05-31-09, #ROTP_249 |
| 02-23-13, #13-08 | | 05-31-09, #MMCZ-09-19 |
| 02-22-13, #MMDT20_13-08 | | 05-29-09, #MMDT20_09-22 |
| 02-15-13, #MMDT20_13-07 | | 05-16-09, #ROTP_247 |
| 02-13-13, #ISGD-13-07 | | 05-15-09, #MMDT20_09-20 |
| 02-08-13, #MMDT20_13-06 | | 05-10-09, #09-19 |
| 02-06-13, #KMCC_7-06 | | 05-09-09, #ROTP_246 |
| 02-05-13, #BWR-13-02-05 | | 05-08-09, #MMDT20_09-19 |
| 02-01-13, #MMDT20_13-05 | | 04-24-09, #MMDT20_09-17 |
| 01-04-13, #MMDT20_13-01 | | 04-21-09, #KMCC-05-15 |
| 12-18-12, #ISGD-12-52 | | 03-27-09, #MMDT20_09-13 |
| 12-17-12, #MMP-22 | | 03-14-09, #ROTP_238 |
| 12-08-12, #MMP-21 | | 02-07-09, #ROTP_233 |
| 12-08-12, #AOTA-121208 | | 01-24-09, #ROTP_231 |
| 12-07-12, #MMDT20_12-49 | | 01-23-09, #MMDT20_09-04 |
| 12-04-12, #BWR-12-12-04 | | |
| = Show you can listen to online |
A Music Box For Christmas
Ad World
Attending Fur Conventions
Away From That Manger
Bad Influence
Ballad of the Bulge
Bathroom Blues
Best of Friends, The
(with 'Fur the Love of Mic')
Big Fluffy Porcupine Munching On Nachos
Big Furry Wall, The
(with 'Fur the Love of Mic')
Brady Quinn
Bring Back My Babs From Ian
Campaign News
Census (Gay Version)
(with 'Fur the Love of Mic')
Census 2020
Christmas At McDonald's
Christmas Don't Be Late
Christmas Time Spaghetti
Christmas Time Spaghetti [2015 version]
Coffee Song, The
Con Suite
Dipper Records Yellow Submarine
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Don't Sing This Song
Drug Bust Song, The
Everyone's Gone To AC
Ferret National Anthem
Ferret National Anthem (2013)
Fly Like a Falcon
Friendly Beasts, The
Grandma Just Found Out That I'm a Furry
Halloween Song, The
Happy Christmas (Couch Potato)
Happy New Year and Be Mine
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Hey, Cheese Pizza
Hillbillies Out of Space, The
How To Turn On Your Cell Phone
I Am NOT Cute
I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
I Want a Loan
I Want To Be One Of Santa's Reindeer
I'll Lose Weight
I'm A Big Beaver
I'm Gonna Buy Me A Dog
If I Had A Million Fursuits
Involuntary Organ Donor
It Sucks To Be Twelve
(with 'Fur the Love of Mic')
It's Beginning To Suck a Lot at Walmart
Jingle Bells
Leaving the Con
Legend Of [YOUR NAME HERE], The
Live on Stage!
Manger of the Rising Son
Mister Yiffy
Most Commercial Time of the Year, The
My Fursona
My Mind Dwells In Strange Places
Night Before Christmas, The
Nowhere Bear
O Come See Old Faithful
O Tanning Bed
Ode to a PBJ
Ode to Susan Boyle
Paul McCartney
Pickle Song, The
Please... Not Again!
Pure Michigan
Racc Rolled
Raccoon Man
Rahm Emanuel
Really Chasing Cars
Robot Bunnies
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Second Life
Sing Something
Site is a Lie, The
Site Is Down, The
Spike Jones
Spring Cleaning
State of Arizona
Steve Jobs is Still Alive
Toyland / Believe
Twelve Furry Days of Christmas (2015 Version), The
Twelve Furry Days of Christmas, The
Very Special Special, The
Want Cub Porn
Want Cub Porn
We Need A Little Christmas
(with 'Beach Bears, The')
We Need A Way
Winter Wonderland
(with 'Beach Bears, The')
Actually, Beach Bears is a side project for Max. It is Max providing all main voice work for story arch for his side projects in which he narrates a story such as Stargazer, Dipper, etc, which he provides all the voices and adds a cover song or a parody that fits the episode. So technically Beach Bears are a group with a complete storyline. Like David Seville with the Chipmunks, so E8 is right.
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