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The Mad Music Show #158 - November 25, 2012
Topic: Star Trek & Star Wars (with guest hosts PDX-DJ1 & Dave AuJus)

This show has 6 parts:

Part 1
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Star Trek Rhapsody  [first known play]Hillman Morning Show
Spock OnThe Traveling Pilsburys
Let's Get Spocked  [first known play]Mark Jonathan Davis
Star Trek {excerpt}  [first known play]I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again
Beam Me Up, ScottyBowser & Blue
Bones  [only known play]Leslie Fish & the Dehorn Crew
A Song For People Who Never Watch Star Trek  [first known play]Warp 11

Listing added by:  Dave AuJus

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This show is dedicated to the memory of my good friend Pdx-dj1. (Dave AuJus)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Show #158 - November 25, 2012"

PTdolphins66   Offline  -  Member  -  12-01-12 02:10 PM  -  11 years ago
Is there an episode #157 ? ? ? ?
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  12-01-12 04:22 PM  -  11 years ago
The 'lost' Halloween ep - MMS-157, will appear mysteriously at some point after the holidays. Since it's most certainly a spooky old H'ween show, it'd be pointless to post it now, even if it was done - which it's not. Its script is complete, but only that.

There was no time to make it at the proper time, so it'll be made around March, when I'll be much better at making these shows anyway.
peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  12-02-12 02:43 AM  -  11 years ago
There is no MMS 157 just as there is no Rule 6!!!
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  12-02-12 02:54 AM  -  11 years ago
Not sure if there are poofters in MMS-157. I'll find out in March or whenever.

But I'm sure they don't mistreat the Abos in any way. They teach philosophy, after all.
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  05-27-13 11:28 AM  -  11 years ago
If you enjoyed this show, how about listening to show #159 - which isn't on the main list, hence, this message. It's a Thanksgiving Mad Music Hour that came out pretty damn well IMO.
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