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Revenge of the Particle - March 4, 2006
Topic: Show 80 - MarsCon 2006

CELEBRITY GUESTS - Tom Smith, Carrie Dahlby, Jeff Smith of Raymond & Scum, Chris Waffle of Hot Waffles

Next week: Show 81

Listing added by:  DJ Particle

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Pre-recorded March 3rd since DJ Particle didn't have a way yet to broadcast live from the hotel. (DJ Particle)
First Dementia Radio appearance of the All-Powerful Nateboi (then known as "Almighty Nateboi") (DJ Particle)
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Messages about the show: "Revenge of the Particle - March 4, 2006"

davidtanny   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  06-25-09 02:43 PM  -  15 years ago
Could you please list the commercial parodies you played. I liked that Braino commercial at the end of the first set.
DJ Particle   Offline  -  Moderator, Artist & D.J.  -  06-25-09 08:38 PM  -  15 years ago
heh...Almighty DJ Milla and I did that one on like the second Dementia Radio "Revenge" in 2005 :) We did another one too for Vodka

But I usually don't count the ads in my playlist. The joke is it's supposed to be a commercial break, and I treat it as such (the only show where I won't treat it that way is the 11th Anniversary show, since they count as clips).

Could you please list the commercial parodies you played. I liked that Braino commercial at the end of the first set.
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