Actually, he's doing it right.
The policy isn't exactly new; it started when the function was added during the last site upgrade, which was a couple of years ago. Both I and, when he guest hosts, Dave have been doing it this way ever since.
As mentioned before, the function was added to ensure everything was credited on our shows. The last thing we wanted was more lawyers hassling Wayne, so this feature was built into the upgrade to help cover all the bases. I usually strongly disapprove of song pages that aren't quite dementia, but both Anthony and I tend to use anime music for bgm, so it's ok.
I know it's something extra that needs doing, but the good news is that it also adds a bit of color to the playlist that subconsciously draws a visitor's attention to it, much in the way the massive banner & description above the playlist does with my shows.
Ultimately, doing this helps ensure that we don't wake up one day and find the site missing because of idiotic legal mischief.