Facts: |
The title was intentionally spelled "blond" - no e - the gag was that the "singer" character was too stupid to know how to spell the thing that she's singing about. (Stavro Arrgolus) |
Web pages about this song: |
Song Lyrics: |
Because I'm blonde, I don't have to think I talk like a baby and I never pay for drinks Don't have to worry about gettin' a man If I keep this blonde and I keep these tan
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah! 'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah!
I see people workin', it just makes me giggle 'Cause I don't have to work, I just have to jiggle 'Cause I'm blonde, B-L-O-N-D 'Cause I'm a blonde, don't you wish you were me?
I never learned to read and I never learned to cook Why should I bother when I look like I look? I know lots of people are smarter than me But I have this philosophy - So what? 'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah!
I see girls without dates and I feel so sorry for 'em 'Cause whenever I'm around, all the men ignore 'em 'Cause I'm blonde, nya nya nya! 'Cause I'm a blonde, nya nya nya!
They say to make it you need talent and ambition Well, I got a TV show and this was my audition: Um okay, what was it, okay um, don't tell me. Oh yeah, okay - "Duck Magnum, duck!"
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah! 'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah!
I took an IQ test and I flunked it, of course I can't spell VW, but I got a Porsche 'Cause I'm a blonde, B-L-I-N-D! 'Cause I'm a blonde, don't you wish you were me?
I just want to say that being chosen as this month's Miss August is like, a compliment I'll remember for as long as I can. Right now I'm a freshman in my fourth year at UCLA, but my goal is to become a veterinarian, 'cause I love children
'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah! 'Cause we're all blonde, yeah yeah yeah!
Girls think I'm snotty and maybe its true With my hair and body, you would be too 'Cause I'm a blonde, B-L... I don't know! 'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah! 'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah! 'Cause I'm a blonde, yeah yeah yeah! (Bill L) |
Current Rating
(4 votes)
Played on 53 shows: |
| 10-22-22, #KMCC-17-04 | | 09-22-96, #96-38 |
| 01-07-17, #AOTA-170107 | | 07-14-96, #96-28 |
| 01-25-16, #MMS-193 | | 11-12-95, #95-46 |
| 06-12-12, #BWR-12-06-12 | | 10-08-95, #95-41 |
| 04-16-11, #AOTA-110416 | | 03-14-93, #93-11 |
| 05-23-10, #10-21 | | 05-10-92, #92-19 |
| 02-07-10, #10-06 | | 04-12-92, #92-15 |
| 01-13-08, #08-02 | | 01-12-92, #92-02 |
| 06-03-07, #MMS-80 | | 09-22-91, #91-38 |
| 06-03-07, #07-22 | | 02-03-91, #91-05 |
| 04-01-07, #MMS-72 | | 06-17-90, #90-24 |
| 11-05-06, #MMS-52 | | 01-14-90, #90-02 |
| 04-01-06, #ROTP_084 | | 07-16-89, #89-29 |
| 02-18-06, #ROTP_078 | | 06-11-89, #89-24 |
| 01-07-06, #ROTP_072 | | 05-14-89, #89-20 |
| 11-12-05, #ROTP_064 | | 01-22-89, #89-04 |
| 05-22-05, #05-21 | | 11-27-88, #88-48 |
| 04-17-05, #MM-5 | | 05-29-88, #88-22 |
| 06-20-04, #04-25 | | 10-18-87, #87-42 |
| 02-29-04, #XM-40 | | 02-08-87, #87-06 |
| 01-25-04, #04-04 | | 09-28-86, #86-39 |
| 08-04-02, #02-31 | | 04-06-86, #86-14 |
| 08-12-01, #01-32 | | 12-01-85, #85-48 |
| 09-17-00, #00-38 | | 08-18-85, #KMET-85-33 |
| 08-27-00, #00-35 | | 03-24-85, #85-12 |
| 01-31-99, #99-05 | | 03-10-85, #85-10 |
| 08-23-98, #98-34 | | |
| = Show you can listen to online |
It's staring you in the face and you're missing it. This song is originally from Julie's "Goddess In Progress" EP. And the intended spelling is in the song. I don't need to look it up because I added it. More importantly, I remember it. Dr. D. played Julie Brown songs long before that movie. This was a part of my collective memory from the early '80s - also a device to distract me from the fact that I was still pretty damn old then as well.
This is all starting to sound like a very familiar kind of troll.
--- Halfshell:
thing with Discogs, its like Wikipedia, articles can be changed. and normally i go off the official product that it's released from, in this case the soundrack this song was recorded for in the first place.
thing with Discogs, its like Wikipedia, articles can be changed. and normally i go off the official product that it's released from, in this case the soundrack this song was recorded for in the first place.
--- Dave AuJus:
Just for the record guys, Dr. D. has it listed both ways. YouTube is mostly "Blonde" and Discogs has it as "Blond".
Just for the record guys, Dr. D. has it listed both ways. YouTube is mostly "Blonde" and Discogs has it as "Blond".
What's that expression your generation uses these days? - "Called it" Julie clearly knows enough not to take sides - especially on Twitter, which is increasingly being known for the extreme psychosis of its users who are offended by everything. She's one smart cookie...probably because she's not a blonde.
okay, i asked her on twitter and she said she spells it both ways
--- Stavro Arrgolus:
Seriously? The spelling is in the song. Besides, you shouldn't trust movie people with your music; they have no regard for something that's secondary to them like a soundtrack. They certainly didn't care how it was spelled. And since Julie was in a 'big time' movie & cashed what was hopefully a big paycheck, she likely didn't either. Artist's original intent determines spelling - among other things.
Seriously? The spelling is in the song. Besides, you shouldn't trust movie people with your music; they have no regard for something that's secondary to them like a soundtrack. They certainly didn't care how it was spelled. And since Julie was in a 'big time' movie & cashed what was hopefully a big paycheck, she likely didn't either. Artist's original intent determines spelling - among other things.
On the soundtrack it's actually spelled blonde (see images) last track
fiogf49gjkf0d Added the real video for the song to replace the AMV
fiogf49gjkf0d this song is soooooooooooooooo funny!
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