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Song Details
Rank this week: 10 (↑24)
Duration: 2:46 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Release Date: 1958  (peterpuck9) 
Lyrics By: Claps & Cicchetti (peterpuck9) 
Music By: Claps & Cicchetti (peterpuck9) 
Produced By: the playmates (sirvetteman) 
Released By: Roulette (peterpuck9) 
Published By: EMI Longitude Music (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: BMI  #99573 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
  • I was told that this song was the result of a story related to the writer by a man named Bob Dietrich. He has passed away since but Bob was an old midget racer that had a short stint in NASCAR in 1951. Bob told me that he was driving his Lincoln between nascar races in a line of other racing people. He saw headlights coming up from the rear fast so he attempted to signal to the others ahead that they should slow down. He flashed his lights, swerved and beeped his horn all to no avail as his friends thought it was just a game and did the same to cars ahead of them. Then, suddenly as the headlights neared and passed him he saw in his headlights the side of the car which read "Billy Rexford - 1950 Nascar Grand National Champion". The Car was a NASH RAMBLER. Well, when Bob got to the hotel they were all staying at he found Billy in the bar and said "I've gotta see this Rambler". When he lifted the hood Rexford had replaced the factory six cylinder with a (I think) cadillac straight eight engine!!! Years after I heard the story I met Mr. Julian Busink - Bill Rexfords car owner. Mr busink stated that Nascar did give rexford a rambler and changing out the engine sounded like something Rexford would do!!!! (spuddy98)
  • Song Lyrics:
    While riding in my Cadillac
    What to my surprise
    A little Nash Rambler was following me
    About one third my size
    The guy musta wanted to pass me up
    As he kept on tooting his horn
    I'll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn
    Beep beep beep beep
    His horn went beep beep beep

    I pushed my foot down to the floor
    To give the guy the shake
    But the little Nash Rambler stayed right behind
    He still had on his brake
    He musta thought his car had more guts
    As he kept on tooting his horn (beep beep)
    I'll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn
    Beep beep beep beep
    His horn went beep beep beep

    (normal speed)
    My car went into passing gear
    And we took off with gust (whoosh)
    Soon we were going ninety
    Musta left him in the dust
    When I peeked in the mirror of my car
    I couldn't believe my eyes
    The little Nash Rambler was right behind
    You'd think that guy could fly
    Beep beep beep beep
    His horn went beep beep beep

    Now we were doing a hundred and ten
    This certainly was a race
    For a Rambler to pass a Caddy
    Would be a big disgrace
    The guy musta wanted to pass me up
    As he kept on tooting his horn (beep beep)
    I'll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn
    Beep beep beep beep
    His horn went beep beep beep

    (very quickly)
    Now we're going a hundred twenty
    As fast as I can go
    The Rambler pulled along side of me
    As if we were going slow
    The fella rolled down his window
    And yelled for me to hear
    "Hey buddy how do I get this car outa second gear?"
    Current Rating 9.4 (7 votes)
    Played on 109 shows:
    06-23-19, #OTR-5-2507-16-95, #95-29
    04-13-19, #AOTA-19041303-19-95, #95-12
    08-23-17, #ISGD-17-3606-19-94, #94-25
    07-29-17, #AOTA-17072902-27-94, #94-09
    09-26-15, #15-3911-14-93, #93-46
    02-21-15, #15-0804-11-93, #93-15
    08-05-14, #BWR-14-08-0505-17-92, #92-20
    08-10-13, #13-3211-03-91, #91-44
    11-27-12, #BWR-12-11-2708-11-91, #91-32
    11-02-12, #ISGD-12-4509-30-90, #90-39
    02-18-12, #12-0707-08-90, #90-27
    09-10-11, #11-3710-15-89, #89-42
    06-18-11, #11-2506-04-89, #89-23
    09-18-10, #MMCZ-10-3811-13-88, #88-46
    08-07-10, #10-3207-17-88, #88-29
    07-24-10, #10-3005-01-88, #88-18
    04-04-10, #MMCZ-10-1409-13-87, #87-37
    04-03-10, #ROTP_29306-07-87, #87-23
    12-26-09, #ROTP_27904-05-87, #87-14
    08-02-09, #MMS-12701-11-87, #87-02
    07-26-09, #09-3009-07-86, #86-36
    06-28-09, #09-2607-06-86, #86-27
    06-27-09, #ROTP_25305-11-86, #86-19
    03-02-08, #08-0903-16-86, #KMET-86-11
    12-29-07, #ROTP_17501-19-86, #86-03
    12-15-07, #ROTP_17308-18-85, #KMET-85-33
    09-30-07, #07-3906-09-85, #85-23
    03-13-07, #MMS-6906-09-85, #KMET-85-23
    02-18-07, #07-0703-24-85, #85-12
    07-30-06, #MMS-3808-05-84, #84-32
    07-23-06, #06-3005-13-84, #84-20
    05-08-05, #05-1906-05-83, #83-23
    02-06-05, #05-0602-20-83, #83-08
    10-10-04, #XM-7205-02-82, #82-18
    06-13-04, #04-2403-07-82, #82-10
    03-07-04, #XM-4105-24-81, #81-21
    11-18-03, #ISGD-03-4802-24-80, #80-08
    11-03-03, #XM-2410-21-79, #79-42
    10-12-03, #03-4106-17-79, #79-24
    05-18-03, #03-2011-19-78, #78-40
    12-01-02, #02-4809-10-78, #78-29
    10-07-01, #01-4007-09-78, #78-20
    04-22-01, #01-1605-21-78, #78-13
    07-02-00, #00-2704-09-78, #78-7
    08-01-99, #99-3108-22-76, #108
    01-31-99, #99-0506-13-76, #98
    08-02-98, #98-3103-28-76, #87
    03-08-98, #98-1009-14-75, #KMET-75-37
    09-21-97, #97-3809-07-75, #58
    06-15-97, #97-2405-11-75, #45
    03-09-97, #97-1004-27-75, #43
    11-17-96, #96-4604-13-75, #41
    05-12-96, #96-1912-01-74, #22
    04-14-96, #96-1503-19-72, #KMET-72-12
    11-26-95, #95-48
    = Show you can listen to online
    Song Images:
    Messages about the song: "Beep Beep"
    Tyro Arrgula   Offline  -  Editor  -  08-11-17 12:39 PM  -  7 years ago
    "Goodness had nothing to do with it."
    kahnman   Offline  -  Podcast D.J.  -  08-02-17 01:07 AM  -  7 years ago
    Thank goodness
    Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  08-01-17 04:11 AM  -  7 years ago long last. Chalk it up to my crappy short-term memory/OCD. "Look at that one. I need to replace that mp3 with the proper...Ooh, a kitty!"
    Dave AuJus   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-31-17 03:53 PM  -  7 years ago
    And here it is 4 years later and the .mp3 is still "The All American Boy".


    Why is the mp3 "The All-American Boy" by Bill Parsons?
    Wacky Ben   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  11-23-12 12:31 PM  -  12 years ago
    Why is the mp3 "The All-American Boy" by Bill Parsons?
    Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  05-22-10 12:06 PM  -  14 years ago
    The version on the 5/24/1981 show seems to have an extended intro, with material before where we usually hear the song start. It sounds like the original, instead of a re-make featuring one or more of original performer K-Tel type re-issues.
    Anybody got some more light to shine on this?
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    Song samples are provided for information purposes only and are intended to enable the users to sample the music (as they are in very low quality) before they take the decision of purchasing the music. This right is expressly permitted under "Fair Use" as nonprofit educational purposes only. The ownership of the copyright of the songs rests with the respective owners.

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