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Kahn Man's Comedy Corner 11-14 Featuring The Mad Music Top 12 Countdown 3-18-17
Topic: Birthdays And Parties (My Birthday Show)

This show has 3 parts:

Part 1
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Happy Birthday"Weird Al" Yankovic
Hampster Party  [first known play]Hampton The Hampster
Make A Wish (Extenended version)  [first known play]Pinkie pie (Shannon Chan-Kent)
Pony Pokie  [only known play]Pinkie pie (Shannon Chan-Kent)
The Super Duper Party Pony  [only known play]"Weird Al" Yankovic (as Cheese Sandwich from "My Little Pony")
Make A New Dance Up  [first known play]Hey Ocean
BirthdayThe Beatles
Birthday  [only known play]Looney Tunes
We Like to Party  [only known play]Crazy Frog
Party Out Of BoundsB-52's
Party In The Parkin' LotThe Fibs
Party In My PantsBarnes And Barnes
The Happy Happy Birthday SongThe Arrogant Worms
Too Pooped To Party  [only known play]Lauren Mayer
Party Up  [only known play]Sailor Moon
Pajama Party  [only known play]Annette Funicello
I'm Having A Party  [only known play]Jonathan Coulton

Listing added by:  kahnman

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Messages about the show: "Kahn Man's Comedy Corner 11-14 Featuring The Mad Music Top 12 Countdown 3-18-17"

lelkins   Offline  -  Member  -  03-18-17 09:54 AM  -  7 years ago
I'm trying to listen, but it doesn't seem to be working for me....
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  03-18-17 02:46 PM  -  7 years ago

Try it now...

It failed because spaces were left in the show mp3 file names. Apparently, this makes the site generate bad request errors for some programming-type reason. I learned this the hard way with my shows as well. Underscores have to replace the gaps for the shows to function properly. I added them and it's working now.

Some of his other recent shows get errors because of this. I'll have to fix those too...unless Tyrone wants to sort it out himself. I like the DIY thing when it comes to my shows (what few get made these days) and I don't like to mess with someone else's show data unless I have to. ...Though this only applies to shows. Everything else is fair game.

kahnman   Online  -  Podcast D.J.  -  03-18-17 08:49 PM  -  7 years ago

It's Working On My End


lelkins   Offline  -  Member  -  03-19-17 11:13 AM  -  7 years ago

Working now- thanks!



kahnman   Online  -  Podcast D.J.  -  03-19-17 02:18 PM  -  7 years ago
Stavro It Works for me Maybe he Has An Older computer that Does not Support It I Dont know But It Works When I Put it Up For me
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  03-19-17 02:49 PM  -  7 years ago

That's because I fixed this one. What about last week's show - or the one before? They give me the same 'bad request' error I got from this one.

It's because of the mp3 title spacing thing. Fix it and they'll all work fine. Or I can do it.

Wayne posted about it on my show when I messed it up in this way.

kahnman   Online  -  Podcast D.J.  -  03-19-17 05:02 PM  -  7 years ago

You Know What I Will let you Do It  I Have no problem on My lap top Fix it That is Oh I Fixed The 3rd Season Of My Show


Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  03-19-17 05:32 PM  -  7 years ago

I'll look it all over again when I recover from shoveling the foot of snow from in front of my battered old police car. Winter remains a bitch and a half if you're 71 and have to shovel it all yourself. Donald Trump is several months younger than me & I bet he doesn't have to deal with snow.

If anything still has errors, I'll sort it out myself. It's an editor function, after all.

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