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Song Details
Duration: 3:08 
Release Date: 1944  (sav-man) 
Lyrics By: Harry Gibson (sav-man) 
Music By: Harry Gibson (sav-man) 
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  • Dr. D. calls this "the first 'upper' song in Pop history" in the liner notes to DR. DEMENTO'S DELIGHTS. (sav-man)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Mrs. Murphy couldn't sleep,
    Her nerves were slightly off the beat
    Until she solved her problem
    With a can of Ovaltine

    She drank a cup full most every night
    And oooh, how she would dream
    Until something rough got in the stuff
    And made her neighbors scream, "Ow!"

    Who put the Benzedrine
    In Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine?
    Sure is a shame, don't know who's to blame
    'Cause the old lady didn't even get his name.

    Where did she get that that stuff?
    Now she just can't get enough.
    It might have been the man who wasn't there.
    No, Jack, that guy's a square.

    She never ever wants to go to sleep.
    She said that everything is solid all-reet.
    Now Mr. Murphy don't know what it's all about
    'Cause she went and threw the old man out. Clout!

    Who put the Benzedrine
    In Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine?
    Now she wants to swing the Highland Fling
    She says the Benzedrine's the thing that makes her spring.

    She bought a can of Ovaltine
    Most every week or so
    And she always kept an extra can on hand
    Just in case that she'd run low.

    She's never ever been so happy
    Since she left old Ireland
    Till someone prowled her pantry
    Sure and tampered with her can. Wham!

    Who put the Benzedrine
    In Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine?
    Sure is a shame, don't know who's to blame
    'Cause the old lady didn't even get his name.

    Where did she get that that stuff?
    Now she just can't get enough.
    It might have been the man who wasn't there.
    No, Jack, that guy's a square.

    She stays up night makin' all right
    They say she lost about 69 pounds
    Now Mr. Murphy claims she's getting awful thin
    And all she says is "Gimme some skin!" Mop!

    Who put the Benzedrine
    In Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine?
    Now she wants to swing the Highland Fling
    She says the Benzedrine's the thing that makes her spring.
    (Stavro Arrgolus)
    Current Rating 10.0 (2 votes)
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    Song samples are provided for information purposes only and are intended to enable the users to sample the music (as they are in very low quality) before they take the decision of purchasing the music. This right is expressly permitted under "Fair Use" as nonprofit educational purposes only. The ownership of the copyright of the songs rests with the respective owners.

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