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The Dr. Demento Show #06-17 - April 23, 2006
Topic: Alcohol (America's favorite drug)

This show has 10 parts:

Audio for this show has been disabled at the request of Dr. Demento. Visit to listen.

Part 2
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The Guy With Computer Know-How  [first known play]Arrogant Worms
The System Administrator Song (w/ longer intro)Three Dead Trolls In A Baggie
- With Whimsical Will
Part 3
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The BeerhunterBob & Doug McKenzie
Save The BeerFaust & Lewis
What I Like About BoozeDisTurbo
We Drank A Toast To Underpants  [first known play]Robert Lund
Tequila (excerpt)  [only known play]The Edlos
Part 7
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#5I Am Not A TerroristWhitie McWhiteivich
G-Spot Tornado (background only)Frank Zappa
#4I Ain't Goin' NowhereRick Moranis
Part 8
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#3My Cat Is Afraid Of The Vacuum CleanerPower Salad
#2Ode To ScruffyBrett Eidman
Part 9
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#1Ti Kwan Leep/Boot To The HeadThe Frantics
Part 10
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Next week: More all-time classics from the land of alcohol


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Messages about the show: "The Dr. Demento Show #06-17 - April 23, 2006"

Sonic SBL   Offline  -  Participant  -  04-26-06 06:07 PM  -  18 years ago
Dr. D. introduced Girl Beer with the comment I sent with the request.

"I think this is by far the most underrated beer song ever. Considering that it's only been played once on the show I like it lots, and it's not just a girl's song either."

Now that he's given my comment out, it might show up on the Funny 5 in a few weeks...

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