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Song Details
Warner Music 
By: David Tanny
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Duration: 5:33 
Release Date: 2/24/2010  (davidtanny) 
Lyrics By: David Tanny (davidtanny) 
Music By: David Tanny (davidtanny) 
Produced By: David Tanny (davidtanny) 
Released By: David Tanny (davidtanny) 
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Licensing: CC 
  • Brief Intro (release date, etc.) 10. "Warner Music" (released on 2/24/2010) - another original about a song parodist whose songs got taken off of Youtube because a certain record label didn't understand what a parody is.

    Background about the song: There is an artist whose name I won't mention in order to spare the person embarrassment who posted funny parodies of popular copyrighted hit songs that made the top part of the Billboard pop charts. He posted some of the parodies of some of the songs that happened to be those of the Warner Music library. Warner objected to the practice and used their efforts to get the parodies taken off of youtube, and the artist got strikes for copyright infringement. This song is about the person who thought no harm in posting a parody of one of their songs, but Warner didn't see it that way, and stated that the underlying melody is that of one of their copyrighted songs that was being infringed upon.

    Where the humor in the recording comes from: There isn't much humor in the song, except towards the end. It's basically a commentary about Warner Music's strong arm practices against people posting parodies using melodies of their hit songs. Some people refer to Warner Music, who won't adjust to the modern times, as a luddite of the past. (davidtanny)

  • Song Lyrics:
    Warner Music
    by David Tanny

    I am a man, who loves making fun...
    of other people's songs, one by one.
    Most of the pop songs, stink outright,
    I make fun of them, with all my might.

    I make up new lyrics, for unfunny songs.
    I make fun of them. That shouldn't be wrong.
    I turn a love ballad, into something strange.
    There ain't no song, that's out of my range.

    I made up a parody. That's all I did.
    I didn't plagurize. Heaven forbid.
    Top music figures, are all fair game.
    Making fun of their songs, is just my aim.

    So I made a video, of my parody,
    It was on Youtube, for all to see.
    It seemed so fine. It was going swell.
    Then something happpened, blew it all to hell.

    Somebody representing, Warner Music,
    Got it taken down. What a jerk!
    Warner thought it was, a copyright violation.
    Are we now living, in a dictator nation?

    Warner said, that my parody, was wrong.
    It stole the melody of one of their songs.
    Warner called the dreaded DMCA
    Who told Youtube to take it away.

    So Youtube removed my song parody.
    Warner music just don't get it. You see?
    So let's get back, at the humorless twits.
    We're boycotting all the Warner music.

    We'll just write songs, just like this one,
    Blasting Warner Music for ruining our fun.
    We'll write up some folk songs to make our point,
    To protest Warner Music in every music joint.

    My folk song, is over. I've said enough.
    I think I'll go and have another puff.
    I've got just one more sayin' to do.
    Warner Music...FOLK YOU!

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