Played on 193 shows: |
| 05-12-24, #SF_38 | | 10-17-14, #MMDT20_14-42 |
| 12-09-23, #AOTA-231209 | | 06-14-14, #ISGD-14-31 |
| 10-13-23, #ISGD-23-10 | | 01-18-14, #AOTA-140118 |
| 06-04-23, #MMS-253 | | 12-03-13, #BWR-13-12-03 |
| 12-24-22, #AOTA-221224 | | 11-30-13, #AOTA-131130 |
| 12-04-21, #AOTA-211204 | | 11-29-13, #ISGD-13-51 |
| 10-16-21, #AOTA-211016 | | 10-26-13, #AOTA-131026 |
| 10-02-21, #AOTA-211002 | | 10-25-13, #MMDT20_13-43 |
| 06-25-21, #WOTR_231 | | 09-17-13, #BWR-13-09-17 |
| 06-05-21, #AOTA-210605 | | 07-20-13, #13-29 |
| 04-23-21, #WOTR_222 | | 06-21-13, #ISGD-13-25 |
| 02-13-21, #AOTA-210213 | | 04-26-13, #MMDT20_13-17 |
| 01-02-21, #AOTA-210102 | | 04-04-13, #ISGD-13-14 |
| 12-26-20, #AOTA-201226 | | 03-23-13, #13-12 |
| 12-12-20, #AOTA-201212 | | 02-21-13, #ISGD-13-08 |
| 11-14-20, #AOTA-201114 | | 12-18-12, #ISGD-12-52 |
| 11-07-20, #AOTA-201107 | | 12-11-12, #BWR-12-12-11 |
| 11-06-20, #WOTR_198 | | 12-08-12, #AOTA-121208 |
| 10-17-20, #AOTA-201017 | | 10-30-12, #BWR-12-10-30 |
| 10-10-20, #AOTA-201010 | | 10-29-12, #ISGD-12-44 |
| 10-09-20, #WOTR_194 | | 10-20-12, #AOTA-121020 |
| 10-03-20, #AOTA-201003 | | 09-27-12, #ISGD-12-39 |
| 07-24-20, #WOTR_183 | | 08-18-12, #12-33 |
| 07-11-20, #AOTA-200711 | | 07-06-12, #MMDT20_12-27 |
| 03-21-20, #AOTA-200321 | | 06-29-12, #MMDT20_12-26 |
| 03-14-20, #AOTA-200314 | | 06-22-12, #MMDT20_12-25 |
| 03-13-20, #WOTR_173 | | 06-21-12, #ISGD-12-25 |
| 12-25-19, #AOTA-191225 | | 06-16-12, #AOTA-120616 |
| 03-16-19, #AOTA-190316 | | 06-15-12, #MMDT20_12-24 |
| 03-15-19, #WOTR_130 | | 04-28-12, #AOTA-120428 |
| 03-02-19, #KMCC-13-14 | | 03-16-12, #MMDT20_12-11 |
| 01-18-19, #WOTR_121 | | 12-24-11, #AOTA-111224 |
| 01-05-19, #AOTA-190105 | | 12-23-11, #MMDT20_11-51 |
| 12-15-18, #AOTA-181215 | | 10-15-11, #AOTA-111015 |
| 12-08-18, #AOTA-181208 | | 09-13-11, #BWR-11-09-13 |
| 07-07-18, #AOTA-180707 | | 08-26-11, #ROTP_366 |
| 06-30-18, #AOTA-180630 | | 08-05-11, #ROTP_363 |
| 06-29-18, #WOTR_92 | | 07-23-11, #MMCZ-11-30 |
| 06-22-18, #WOTR_91 | | 06-24-11, #ROTP_357 |
| 05-04-18, #WOTR_81 | | 05-20-11, #MMDT20_11-20 |
| 01-06-18, #AOTA-180106 | | 04-15-11, #ROTP_347 |
| 12-16-17, #AOTA-171216 | | 01-28-11, #ROTP_336 |
| 12-02-17, #AOTA-171202 | | 12-17-10, #ROTP_330 |
| 12-01-17, #WOTR_62 | | 11-14-10, #MMCZ-10-50 |
| 10-27-17, #WOTR_56 | | 11-13-10, #MMCZ-10-49 |
| 07-08-17, #AOTA-170708 | | 11-06-10, #MMCZ-10-47 |
| 03-11-17, #AOTA-170311 | | 10-29-10, #ROTP_323 |
| 02-14-17, #WOTR_22 | | 10-16-10, #MMCZ-10-42 |
| 01-18-17, #ISGD-17-03 | | 10-15-10, #ROTP_321 |
| 12-31-16, #16-53 | | 09-18-10, #MMCZ-10-38 |
| 12-24-16, #AOTA-161224 | | 07-25-10, #MMCZ-10-31 |
| 10-28-16, #WOTR_16 | | 07-18-10, #MMCZ-10-30 |
| 08-27-16, #16-35 | | 04-03-10, #ROTP_293 |
| 08-25-16, #ISGD-16-36 | | 03-20-10, #ROTP_291 |
| 08-20-16, #AOTA-160820 | | 03-13-10, #ROTP_290 |
| 08-13-16, #WOTR_12 | | 03-12-10, #MMDT20_10-11 |
| 08-06-16, #AOTA-160806 | | 02-27-10, #ROTP_288 |
| 08-06-16, #16-32 | | 12-30-09, #LCBR_Ep007 |
| 07-25-16, #MM-475 | | 12-11-09, #MMDT20_09-50 |
| 04-16-16, #AOTA-160416 | | 12-06-09, #09-49 |
| 03-21-16, #MM-457 | | 11-26-09, #BR-09-95 |
| 02-27-16, #16-09 | | 11-15-09, #DM_11-15-09 |
| 01-30-16, #16-05 | | 10-31-09, #ROTP_271 |
| 12-31-15, #MMDT20_15-FY | | 10-09-09, #BR-09-84 |
| 12-30-15, #ISGD-15-60 | | 10-09-09, #BR-09-85 |
| 12-18-15, #MMDT20_15-51 | | 09-19-09, #DM_09-19-09 |
| 12-12-15, #AOTA-151212 | | 08-21-09, #BR-09-78 |
| 12-04-15, #MMDT20_15-49 | | 08-05-09, #DM_08-05-09 |
| 11-28-15, #15-48 | | 07-04-09, #ROTP_254 |
| 11-28-15, #ISGD-15-53 | | 05-31-09, #ROTP_249 |
| 11-28-15, #AOTA-151128 | | 04-10-09, #BR-09-68 |
| 11-27-15, #MMDT20_15-48 | | 01-04-09, #MMCZ-2008 |
| 11-22-15, #BWR-15-11-22 | | 12-15-08, #MM-188 |
| 11-22-15, #AOTA-151122 | | 12-15-08, #FFM-XMAS08 |
| 11-21-15, #ISGD-15-51 | | 11-24-08, #MM-185 |
| 11-20-15, #MMDT20_15-47 | | 11-10-08, #MM-183 |
| 11-14-15, #15-46 | | 10-25-08, #ROTP_218 |
| 11-13-15, #MMDT20_15-46 | | 10-24-08, #MMDT20_08-42 |
| 11-08-15, #BWR-15-11-08 | | 09-20-08, #MMCZ_0115 |
| 11-07-15, #AOTA-151107 | | 09-20-08, #ROTP_213 |
| 11-07-15, #ISGD-15-49 | | 08-18-08, #MM-171 |
| 11-06-15, #MMDT20_15-45 | | 03-01-08, #ROTP_184 |
| 10-23-15, #MMDT20_15-43 | | 02-22-08, #BR-08-07 |
| 10-17-15, #ISGD-15-44 | | 09-21-07, #MMDT20_07-37 |
| 10-17-15, #15-42 | | 08-05-07, #MMS-88 |
| 10-16-15, #MMDT20_15-42 | | 07-30-07, #MM-117 |
| 09-25-15, #MMDT20_15-39 | | 07-20-07, #MMDT20_07-28 |
| 09-19-15, #ISGD-15-39 | | 12-31-06, #ISGD-06-92 |
| 09-04-15, #MMDT20_15-36 | | 12-30-06, #ISGD-06-91 |
| 08-14-15, #MMDT20_15-33 | | 09-03-06, #MMS-43 |
| 08-07-15, #MMDT20_15-32 | | 08-27-06, #FFM-51 |
| 07-31-15, #MMDT20_15-31 | | 08-13-06, #FFM-50 |
| 07-24-15, #MMDT20_15-30 | | 08-06-06, #FFM-49 |
| 04-11-15, #ISGD-15-15 | | 05-28-06, #FFM-41 |
| 04-10-15, #MMDT20_15-15 | | 04-16-06, #06-16 |
| 03-08-15, #BWR-15-03-08 | | 01-18-04, #04-03 |
| 10-31-14, #MMDT20_14-44 | | |
| = Show you can listen to online |
(Hop In) I'm Benny The Cab
(Lord It's Hard to be Happy When You're Not) Using the Metric System
(with 'MC Lars ')
(Lord It's Hard to be Happy When You're Not) Using the Metric System (Live at MarsCon 2009)
(Rock) the Bells
2011 (Rolling Stone Subscription)
21 Concepts
(with 'MC Lars ')
35 Laurel Drive
(with 'MC Lars ')
(with 'MC Lars ')
Altered States
(with 'MC Lars & K.Flay')
Annabel Lee R.I.P.
Annabel Lee R.I.P. (2012)
(with 'MC Lars feat. Common Rotation')
Art of Darkness
(with 'MC Lars feat. Sage Francis')
Aussie Boys
Back to the Start
(with 'MC Lars feat. Tribe One')
Ballad of Hans Moleman, The
(with 'MC Lars & Schaffer The Darklord')
Break Even
(with 'MC Lars feat. Homeless & Jus Rhyme')
Bring the 90s Back
Captains of Industry
(with 'MC Lars feat. MC Frontalot')
Crowdfund This Song
Dialogue, The
(with 'MC Lars ')
Dip, The
(with 'MC Lars feat. Kool Keith')
Do The Bruce Campbell
(with 'MC Lars ')
Download This Song
(with 'MC Lars ')
Dragon Blood
Dragon Blood (DJ RoboRob Remix)
Dreidel Playa
(with 'MC Lars ')
Escape From Robot Island
Everyone is a Little Bit Gay
(with 'MC Lars ')
Flow Like Poe
Forgot About Jack
Francis Bacon Slashed the Canvas
(with 'MC Lars feat. John Reuben')
Friendalorians, The
(with 'MC Lars & Schaffer the Darklord')
Game, The
(with 'MC Lars & K.Flay')
Gary the Green-Nosed Reindeer
Generic Crunk Rap
(with 'MC Lars ')
Gettin’ Pissed on the Lorry
(with 'MC Lars feat. Math the Band')
Giving Tree, The
(with 'MC Lars feat. Mac Lethal')
Going Back to Brooklyn
Gopher Guts
Gospel of Hip-Hop, The
(with 'MC Lars feat. KRS-One')
Guitar Hero Hero (Beating Guitar Hero Doesn't Make You Slash)
(with 'MC Lars ')
Hawaiian Vacation
(with 'MC Lars feat. Beefy & Random')
Hey There Ophelia
(with 'MC Lars ')
Hipster Girl
(with 'MC Lars ')
Hipster Mom
History's Greatest Assholes
Hot Topic is not Punk Rock
(with 'MC Lars ')
How Not to Write a Slayer Song
How to Be an Indie Rapper
(with 'MC Lars & Weerd Science')
Hurricane Fresh
(with 'MC Lars ')
I Can't Watch This
I Want My Guns N' Roses
(with 'MC Lars ')
I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas
(with 'MC Lars ')
If I had a Time Machine, That Would Be Fresh
(with 'MC Lars ')
If I Were a Jedi (That Would Be Hella Awesome)
(with 'MC Lars feat. Brian Mazzaferri')
(with 'MC Lars ')
Internet Relationships (Are Not Real Relationships)
(with 'MC Lars ')
It's a Party Y'all
(with 'MC Lars & K.Flay feat. Damondrick "Shoehorn" Jack')
It's Not Easy (Being Green)
(with 'MC Lars ')
Judas Priest
Lars Attacks!
Lenore (I Miss You)
Make a Friend on 27th Street
MC Lars & DJ Talk about MarsCon
MC Lars Got ShoE-Rolled (Live at MarsCon 2009)
MC Lars Is Coming to Town (Vince Vandal Remix)
Mike Russo Cut Your Hair
Mild Boy
Mr. Raven
(with 'MC Lars ')
Mr. Raven (2012)
(with 'MC Lars feat. The Dead Milkmen')
My Chemical Terrorist Romance
(with 'MC Lars ')
Nerdcore Died
(with 'MC Lars feat. Random')
Nerds Give Nerdcore a Rad Name
(with 'MC Lars ')
Never Afraid
(with 'MC Lars feat. Watsky')
No Logo
(with 'MC Lars ')
O.G. Original Gamer
(with 'MC Lars ')
Party with Lars
(with 'MC Lars feat. Spose')
Peeing in the Pool
Pokemon Go Rap
(with 'MC Lars & Spose')
Rapbeth (Foul Is Fair)
(with 'MC Lars ')
(with 'MC Lars ')
Reading Rainbow (DECAP Remix)
(with 'MC Lars feat. The Former Fat Boys & Wordburglar')
Revenge of the Nerds (DECAP Remix)
(with 'MC Lars feat. The Former Fat Boys, Beefy & YTCracker')
(with 'MC Lars ')
Roommate From Hell, The
(with 'MC Lars ')
Running Trains
(with 'MC Lars & K.Flay')
Schrodinger's Cat
Scientology = WTF?
(with 'MC Lars ')
She’s Out of Line
(with 'MC Lars feat. Straight Jacket Legends')
Signing Dubstep
Signing Emo
(with 'MC Lars ')
Single and Famous
(with 'MC Lars & K.Flay')
Six Degrees of Kurt Cobain
(with 'MC Lars ')
Snows of Kilimanjaro
(with 'MC Lars feat. Adam WarRock')
(with 'MC Lars feat. MC Bob Nielsen')
Somebody's Watching Me
(with 'MC Lars & K.Flay')
Something Wicca This Way Comes
Space Game
(with 'MC Lars ')
Space Game (Live at MarsCon 2009)
(with 'MC Lars ')
Straight Outta Stockholm
(with 'MC Lars ')
Sublime with Rome (Is Not the Same Thing as Sublime)
Summer Camp Love (Is So in Tents)
Super Scope
Tell-Tale <3, The
(with 'MC Lars feat. Random')
That's CPR
This Gigantic Robot Kills
(with 'MC Lars ')
Too Many People at Brunch
Top 10 Things to Never Say on a First Date, The
Tragic Kingdom
True Player for Real
(with 'MC Lars ')
(with 'MC Lars ')
UK Visa Versa
(with 'MC Lars ')
Venomous Box Jellyfish
WAP (Wet Ass Poopies)
(with 'MC Lars feat. Ash Tell Em')
We Fresh
(with 'MC Lars & K.Flay')
We Have Arrived
(with 'MC Lars ')
Where Ya Been Lars? II
Where Ya Been, Lars?
(with 'MC Lars ')
White Kids Aren't Hyphy
(with 'MC Lars ')
Zombie T-Rex
(with 'MC Lars feat. Stza Crack')
Zombie T-Rex (Samarei Session)
fiogf49gjkf0d Done.
fiogf49gjkf0d Can we change the artist name to just MC Lars?
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