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The Mad Music Show #145 - December 4, 2011
Topic: Christmas 1 of 4 - I'm A Christmas Tree

Segment 6 is quite explicit!

This show has 6 parts:

Next week: Christmas 2 of 4 - Kill A Tree For Christ

Listing added by:  Stavro Arrgolus

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Why "Spooky Christmas"? A snowstorm destroyed my yard, knocked out power for a week just before Halloween and negated the holiday for me. This mix of Halloween and Xmas is a bit of cyber-revenge. (Stavro Arrgolus)
3 of the 4 Xmas shows this year have a classics segment where the listener gets a break from the looney themes and can hear classic Xmas tunes. Even though themed segments have classics in them as well. It's all...just a bit silly. (Stavro Arrgolus)
At the end of the final segment, "You Ain't Gettin' Diddly Squat" plays to drive home the message that if you complain about the crap you got for Xmas, you might end up getting diddly squat. Ooh...heavy. (Stavro Arrgolus)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Show #145 - December 4, 2011"

Bob Guest   Offline  -  Artist  -  12-05-11 11:02 AM  -  12 years ago
I tried to get to this episode from the Mad Music Show page, via the "Features" menu... It wasn't listed. Thank goodness for the link from the main page, which, I suppose, will only be good until the next episode is posted.
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  12-05-11 02:09 PM  -  12 years ago
I know. I sent a message as soon as I saw it wasn't on the main list. He must have gone right to bed after the show was posted. (Wish I could manage that)

The second show is done and the third nears completion. He can make the second one whenever.
Captain Wayne   Offline  -  Site Owner  -  12-06-11 03:59 PM  -  12 years ago

Stavro Arrgolus:

I know. I sent a message as soon as I saw it wasn't on the main list. He must have gone right to bed after the show was posted. (Wish I could manage that)
dmllrd   Offline  -  Member  -  12-11-11 03:57 PM  -  12 years ago
Always good to hear your voice Captain,happy hollidays.
dmllrd   Offline  -  Member  -  12-11-11 03:57 PM  -  12 years ago
Always good to hear your voice Captain,happy hollidays.
dmllrd   Offline  -  Member  -  12-11-11 04:06 PM  -  12 years ago
Thanks Stavros; Always good to hear you Captain. Happy hollidays
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