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The Mad Music Show #191 - December 11, 2014
Topic: Xmas II: Nobody Shoots At Santa Claus
This show is Explcicit

This week, Santa goes off his meds and does lots of strange stuff, we hear from those who choose unique ways to deal with the season, there'll be another punk rock Christmas and finally, we'll find out that apparently, there's gum in Santa's whiskers and it's determined who put it there.

This show has 4 parts:

Next week: Xmas III: Let's Put The "X" Back In Xmas

Listing added by:  Stavro Arrgolus

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Looking at the playlist, I find that the show is rather on the blue side rather than red or green. I don't go out of my way to make these shows profane - except when it's the theme, but that's a show for next year. This one just came out that way. (Stavro Arrgolus)
"Nobody Shoots At Santa Claus" - Alfred E. Smith (Governor of New York) [1873 - 1944] (Stavro Arrgolus)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Show #191 - December 11, 2014"

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  12-11-14 11:14 PM  -  9 years ago
12/12 5 pm: Show completed.

The first hour is posted. As with the last show, the other hour will be done tomorrow or Saturday.
alhick25   Offline  -  Member  -  12-19-14 12:30 PM  -  9 years ago
Nice mix, Stavro!
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