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The Mad Music Show #221 - December 16, 2017
Topic: Xmas II: All Hail The Holy...Generic Christmas Show
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This week, the second Christmas Mad Music Show of 2017. The title suggests that it’s a generic show, but as usual, it turned out to be rather twisted, needlessly confusing and thoroughly crazed. In other words, it’s just like every other one of these shows. And that’s a good thing.

We’ll start it with a whole segment of your requests, then a segment for Hanukkah and after that, kind of goes off the rails and gets rather weird. And that’s also a good thing.

Yes, it’s going to be anarchic, strange and thoroughly politically incorrect. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

This show has 4 parts:

Next week: Xmas III: A Green & Redneck Christmas

Listing added by:  Stavro Arrgolus

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Show Facts:
In segment 2, the bgm used is from GochiUsa OST 1 and has nothing at all to do with Hanukkah. The accordions - or the synth meant to sound like accordions - give off a feel of Klezmer (to me, anyway), so I used anime bgm for the Hanukkah segment.

While I was at it, I used a song from Hidamari Sketch for a different segment. Again, this wasn't a holiday tune. It just sounded right for the segment.
(Stavro Arrgolus)
Fun Fact: If questionable language is used in a show's songs, then this gives the DJ (in this case, me) carte blanche to use it also - but not before the songs do. An unimportant and thoroughly anal-retentive detail, to be sure. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Segment 1 begins and ends with songs by Snooks. But even though it was a request segment, the songs were suggested by different requesters. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Song Interrupts DJ: Often, a DJ may interrupt a song. I turn this around in segment 4 when I ask a question and a song cuts in halfway through it for the sole purpose of finishing the question. (Stavro Arrgolus)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Show #221 - December 16, 2017"

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  12-20-17 07:44 PM  -  6 years ago
Remember to listen to Dave's show -
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