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Hour 1
Get Up! Go Insane! - Stretch & Vern
Yappy Dog - Steve Goodie
Bark-Off - Jeff Ehrhart
A the One - 2 Sleeps
Can't Spell Sanctimonious without SCA - Regdar & The Fighters
Nonhii Feeling - Katsuo Ono
Happiest Place on Earth - Phil Johnson & Roadside Attraction
Disney World - Tony Goldmark
A Riot Down in Disneyland - Abbott Skelding, The
Disney Song - Nuclear Bubble Wrap
Mad at Disney - Salem Ilese
Weasel Chase, The - Terry S. Taylor
abcdefu - GAYLE
Cucumber Melon Lotion - Sean Fay Wolfe
Why Did I Ever Sell My Music Catalog? - Power Salad
Edith Piaf's Nose - Joe J. Thomas
Manny & Meche - Grim Fandango OST
Hot Patootie - Bless My Soul - Eddie the Ex Delivery Boy (Meat Loaf)
Confession Elevator - Daydreaming Troublesome Insects - J.A. Seazer
Hour 2
C is for Lettuce - Worm Quartet
Cellular Degeneration - Sudden Death
We Are The FuMP - FuMP, The
Chainsaw Juggler, The - Luke Ski, the great
Overworld Theme - Bug Too! OST
If I Could Be Weird Al - Moneyshot Cosmonauts
Platform Wars - Devo Spice feat. the great Luke Ski & Dual Core
Kyle, Are You Ian? - Scooter Picnic
Where It's At (8-Bit Booyah) - TV's Kyle
Bob-Omb - Insane Ian
Waluigi Island - Mario Party 3 OST
Snoopy the Dogg - Luke Ski, the great
Dick Heads - Steve Goodie
Yet Another Stupid Decade - NetHack Turns 20 - Rob Balder
Fat Washerwoman, The - Jack Good's Fat Noise
Hour 3
Stupid as Charged - Carrie Dahlby feat. Devo Spice
All the Same - Dino-Mike
Raichu a Song - Nuclear Bubble Wrap
This Could Be the Day - BaldBox
New Toonland (Stage) - Greg Weber & Steve Henifin
Smells Like Herb Alpert - Power Salad feat. Chuck Rickard
I'm Not Old I'm Vintage - Lauren Mayer
1000 FuMPs - FuMP, The
We Want the FuMP - FuMP, The
Wacked-Out Five
Scary-Go-Round, The - Suffolk & Goode Players, The
Hopping Song, The - Ethan Mawyer
That Thing - Jeff Whitmire
Don't Let the Bellhops Bite - Stupendium, The
Brilliantly Betty - Young Jeffrey
Sunny Garden (Illusion), The - J.A. Seazer
A-Log on the Airwaves - January 29, 2022
Topic: The FuMP's 15th Anniversary


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