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The Mad Music Show #235 - October 13-30, 2019
Topic: Halloween 2019: Madness Takes Its Toll
This show is Explcicit

You know how these Halloween shows work by now. They start off normally (if you want to call it that) and then vampires take over the show and hilarity ensues. It's become traditional and if it works, don't fix it. With these holiday shows, I usually let the other showmakers play the new stuff and I play what hasn't been heard for quite a while. Some people just like it better that way.
This show has 4 parts:

Next week: MMS-232 Seg. 4: I Stroke It Every Chance I Get, Its...

Listing added by:  Stavro Arrgolus

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Show Facts:
As always, this show is NSFW and is full of vitriol and bad language. It's just more fun that way. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Yes, the seg. 1 bgm is full of barking dogs. And it's not even Christmas. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Segment 1 begins & ends with Halloweenish pirate songs because I didn't manage to make a "Talk Like a Pirate Day" show this year. When a certain vampire appears and points this out, the main Halloween theme song, "Tears of Blood" stops and piratey music with dogs barking the lyrics starts. The main theme returns to end the segment. (Stavro Arrgolus)
The show title is obviously a line in "The Time Warp" from TRHPS. (Stavro Arrgolus)
NSFW Shoutout: In the middle of segment one, I go on a bad language rampage, cursing out both political factions for their collective idiocy. But in actuality, I'm making two comedy references at the same time inside of 20 seconds. The first to George Carlin and the next to Bill Hicks. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Seg. 2 is rather insidious. Although Tyro hosts it, I make it clear that we'll be having no SFW bollocks around here. I do it with changes to the playlist and some sfx - without saying a word. (Stavro Arrgolus)
In seg. 3, all of the songs played have been used on Halloween shows before, but none of them have anything to do with Halloween - hence the segment title, "Halloween Without Halloween." (Stavro Arrgolus)
Not only is seg. 4 hosted by the Devil, but it contains the single most hostile track in the archive - as a bonus. It doesn't get more Halloween than that. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Yet More Synchronicity: One of the more OCD aspects of these shows are their dogged persistence in creating synchronous sub-themes. In this show, the sub-theme is pirates.

This show began and ended with unexpected visits by Viscount Vyslo Arrgula. And were the songs that the vampire presented about Halloween, vampires & blood? ...No. In seg. 1, he appeared suddenly and the bgm turned to an Alestorm pirate metal song - barked by dogs. At the very end, the Viscount returned to add a bonus track - another pirate metal Alestorm song. Just because.
(Stavro Arrgolus)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Show #235 - October 13-30, 2019"

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  10-22-19 02:18 PM  -  4 years ago

So, they want a SWF segment and another one hosted by the Devil.

I think I can manage that...

Axiom   Offline  -  Member  -  11-07-19 02:21 AM  -  4 years ago

Another great show!

Pissing off everyone is one of the reasons I remain a faithful fan!

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  11-07-19 03:05 AM  -  4 years ago

Glad you like it.

I thought I overdid it a bit (though that's usually a good thing) and I only managed to make one show. This one was more NSFW than usual...and the Devil hosted a segment. At least I got his voice right. And there was a coherent narrative throughout. I'm thinking it came out reasonably well.

Often wonder if a story matters to the listener. But if I just STFU and played the songs, it'd be no better than listening to the site's radio stream.

So the question becomes, "Do the listeners we have left want quality over quantity or just the music with a minimum of interruptions?"

Axiom   Offline  -  Member  -  11-22-19 04:45 AM  -  4 years ago
Your comments are hilarious.  I vote keep them in!
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  11-22-19 05:08 AM  -  4 years ago
Consider it done.
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