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Captain Wayne's Mad Music Show, Episode #25, Apr. 30, 2006
Topic: Family

This show has 6 parts:

Next week: Recreation


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Show Facts:
The TOONS scored a hit with the tune "Punk Polka", and performed it and "Roast Chicken Faces" at the Barn at UCR in 1980. (titman)
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winmap (neenee)
Messages about the show: "Captain Wayne's Mad Music Show, Episode #25, Apr. 30, 2006"

artpaul   Offline  -  Artist  -  06-04-08 06:57 AM  -  16 years ago
Hey Captain

I bump into this older show because of The Drive Me Brady but when I listen to Ice Box Man I just laughed and laughed.

I hope you won't quit these radio shows but will like I have previous wrote you at least do one once a month.
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