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Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 10-06, February 5, 2010
Topic: Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 10-06, February 5, 2010

This show has 8 parts:

Part 1
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#20I Had A Sex Change Operation So A Lesbian Would Date Me debut  [first known play]Saryu
#19Rocket Man debut  [first known play]The Nick Atoms
Part 2
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#18House!Insane Ian
#17IHOPKobi LaCroix
#16Every Call I MakeBelow Average Dave
  • The Curling Song
  •   [first known play]
    Arrogant Worms
    Part 3
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    #15NSYNC vs. Avenue Q debut  [only known play]Michael David Hoffman
    #14Death RayGifted Gear
    #13The Coffee SongMax DeGroot
  • The Late Night Show Song
  •   [first known play]
    Purtan's People
    Part 6
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    #7Bacon (John Denver As A MoFo Version)Tom Smith
    #6BubblegumMax DeGroot
    #5OMGProject Sisyphus
    Part 7
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    #4Uranus! (FuMP Re-Probe) debut  [first known play]Robert Lund &
    #3I Verbed A NounBelow Average Dave
    #2The Legend of PRBInsane Ian
  • Lost
  •   [only known play]
    Karl Comes Alive
    Part 8
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  • Photo of Mary
  • The Frantics
    #1I'm Not Your Personal IT Guy [1st week at #1]Devo Spice
    Next week: Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 10-06, February 12, 2010

    Listing added by:  DJ Particle

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    Messages about the show: "Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 10-06, February 5, 2010"

    belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  02-07-10 03:32 PM  -  14 years ago
    Oh my god, that first song (20th place) was crazy. . .the production needed work, but the lyrics were friggin hilarious. . .and the story was so. . .something I could see in a South Park episode. . .
    DJ Particle   Offline  -  Moderator, Artist & D.J.  -  02-10-10 09:24 PM  -  14 years ago
    I must admit #20 surprised me *heh* I still think it got voted due to its title :)
    peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  02-10-10 11:40 PM  -  14 years ago
    That's why I voted for it. It was an interesting song anyway.

    DJ Particle:
    I must admit #20 surprised me *heh* I still think it got voted due to its title :)
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