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Album Details
Monty Python's Contractual Obligation Album

By: Monty Python


"This record has been skillfully crafted by British comedians using ancient, well worn, classical, hand tooled jokes. It has been specially designed to sit at the back of your record collection amongst the old Frank Sinatra albums to be brought out and split up when you get divorced. Any complaints about the humorous quality of this album should be addressed to British Airways, Ingraham's Drive, Greenwich." 


YearTypeLabelCatalog # 
1980LPArista8343(Captain Wayne)
1980CSAristaACB6-8343(Captain Wayne)
1980LPAristaAL 9536(Stavro Arrgolus)
1995CDEMI(Captain Wayne)


As the name implies, this 1980 album was indeed made to fulfill a contract with Charisma Records. It's also the final Monty Python album of original material made for a record. It is far and away the most musical record of their careers - excluding soundtrack albums and compilations like "Monty Python Sings." The album's art (if you want to call it that) screams "lets get this over with" but aficionados know that this record was their best effort.Stavro Arrgolus
  • The infamous omission of 'Farewell To John Denver' in later pressings of the original LP and early CDs was due to Denver's lawyers intercession. Denver somehow objected to Python using 'Annie's Song', changing the lyrics to 'You came on my pillow' and then comedically strangling him after announcing at the beginning of the bit, 'And now the sound of John Denver being strangled'. Who knew?

    In the censored versions of the album, the 'John Denver' track is omitted entirely and its 18 seconds are replaced by an announcement by Terry Jones. He says, "The item which follows has been omitted on legal advice. (long pause) ...Once again, we apologise for that pause in the record which was owing to the, uh, original item being omitted on legal advice. However, I'm pleased to say we can now go on with the record, so here we are with 'Finland, Finland'." (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • Lyrics complete for this album. (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • The cassette version has an additional track. Side 1 is several minutes shorter than side 2. At the end of Side 1 (about 0:45 after "I'm So Worried"), Michael Palin states that there will be a "tiresome gap" before the tape ends. About 4:52 of silence ensue, followed at the very end by Eric Idle stating that the gap was over and the tape may be turned to side 2. (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • Messages about the album: "Monty Python's Contractual Obligation Album"

    Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  10-06-08 02:23 PM  -  16 years ago
    A song page for track 7, "Bishop" would allow me to complete the lyrics for this album.
    Captain Wayne   Offline  -  Site Owner  -  10-06-08 02:37 PM  -  16 years ago
    Done. Have at it!

    Stavro Arrgolus:
    A song page for track 7, "Bishop" would allow me to complete the lyrics for this album.
    Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  10-06-08 02:49 PM  -  16 years ago
    Thanks! Album lyrics complete.

    Captain Wayne:
    Done. Have at it!

    Stavro Arrgolus:
    A song page for track 7, "Bishop" would allow me to complete the lyrics for this album.
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