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The Dr. Demento Show #07-15 - April 15, 2007
Topic: A special salute to Canada

This show has 10 parts:

Audio for this show has been disabled at the request of Dr. Demento. Visit to listen.

Part 1
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The StreakRay Stevens
Totally NudeThe Wallets
Skullcrusher MountainJonathan Coulton
Part 2
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I Paid My Income Tax Today  [first known play]Gene Autry
Kiss This (Hey IRS) Robert Lund
Here I Am With President Romney  [first known play]Robert Lund
Lovin' MeVinnie Zipperton
- With Whimsical Will
Part 3
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It Takes Who  [first known play]the great Luke Ski
Hula Girl  [only known play]Sol Hoopii & His Novelty Quartette
EULA DancingTom Smith
Part 6
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#10The Smallest Thing Known To ManLorne Elliott
#9Morris the MooseLorne Elliott
#8Army CareersThe Frantics
Part 9
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#1Ti Kwan Leep/Boot To The HeadThe Frantics
Part 10
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Next week: Earth Day and that stuff that covers such a large part of the earth - dirt


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