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The Mad Music Special #232 - May 2 - November 12, 2019
Topic: I’m Offended By Your Taking Offense At My Offensiveness
This show is Explcicit

This week, the first Mad Music Special in a very long time. For those of you playing the home game, a “Mad Music Special” is a rare type of show that runs more than 3 hours. Usually, these shows are built around a topic with a massive list of songs about it. Christmas, usually - not this time.

The title alone should give you a clue to what the show's about. It's a rather twisted experiment that takes its best shot at being the most offensive show ever made. Be warned. This show is so nasty, I can't even quote the opening description from the script the way I usually do. It's a rollicking romp through the world of the NSFW in all its forms. It's NOT for those with weak stomachs or weaker senses of humor. The rest of you will be laughing so hard, you'll have to change your wear your brown ones.

This show has 4 parts:

Listing added by:  Stavro Arrgolus

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Show Facts:
These specials are long term projects posted one segment at a time until they're completed. So, as always, I keep track of the time of segment posting for very long shows like this. Segment 1 was posted at 3:15 am, May 2, 2019. Segment 2 at midnight on May 21. Segment 3 at 5:00 am, July 22. Segment 4 at 4:30 am, November 12. Segments 5 & 6 have already been conceptualized and are scheduled for after the holidays some time in early 2021. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Yes, I know the first segment is particularly vicious. This would be a good opportunity to point out that I'm not a homicidal maniac; segment one was made specifically to screw with your brain. That's why it took so long to make. It's not meant to be taken seriously, so I don't want to hear any sanctimonious crap about it. (Stavro Arrgolus)
No, I'm not kidding. This show is full of objectionable language. Keep the kiddies away from this one. Especially the segment where they get devoured by alligators, sharks and killer whales. (Stavro Arrgolus)
+1 internets to anyone who spots the incongruity in the title. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Nonsensical Rule: Background music for a Mad Music Show always runs contrary to the show content. The more horrifying/disgusting/vulgar the show is, the cuter the bgm will be. This episode is a golden example of this. This is meant to be the most offensive show possible, so it has the most adorable bgm possible - namely Kikuya Tomoki's Hidamari Sketch OSTs. (Stavro Arrgolus)
If it isn't already blatantly obvious, the title of segment 3 is a HHGttG reference. And if telling you now isn't even enough, the opening sequence of the segment drives the message home rather well. (Stavro Arrgolus)
It should be mentioned at some point that all this filth has put me right off making blatantly NSFW shows and motivated me to make the sort of show I produced when Wayne was still recording it. The show in those days was mostly SFW with a only a few NSFW elements in it. I just might go back to that after this little smutty adventure. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Show Runtime: 2 Hours 39 Min 26 Sec
(Stavro Arrgolus)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Special #232 - May 2 - November 12, 2019"

Tyro Arrgula   Offline  -  Editor  -  05-06-19 03:09 AM  -  5 years ago

Bugger all... Uncle Stavro loves to fill his shows with mind screws, doesn't he?

Segment 1 is ostensibly an "anti-kid" segment - and the songs are, but...

Halfway through the segment, the DJ patter slams on the brakes and from out of nowhere, he starts ranting about their parents! It turns out that uncle doesn't hate kids at all, but rather those who spawned them & allow them to run wild. Kids are annoying to him, but he actually hates those Millennial "fat guys waddling around in cargo shorts & flip-flops screaming & acting like 8 year olds." They're pumping out the little demons.

In the end, he rejects responsibility for the idiots; his generation didn't create this problem - mine did. And he doesn't stop until he blames us for letting China into the World Trade Organization. Clearly, the old man screws around with these shows' scripts for his own amusement; he knows it's his iTunes podcasts that get all the listens.

And all that's just in the first segment. Cthulhu only knows what's coming...

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  07-22-19 05:50 AM  -  5 years ago

Segment 3 was guest hosted by Consul Pious. He sounds like he's doing the DJ bits from the cavernous catacombs far beneath a castle on a hill far above San Marino...because that's where he was. Do they even have Wi-FI in Italy? I got his show mp3, so they do, apparently.

With the completion of seg. 3, this show now clocks in at just over 2 hours, making it a complete Mad Music Show. I could stop right now - but where's the fun in that? I think this show isn't nearly offensive or disgusting enough. If you're not offended or nauseous by the end of segment 6, then I'm doing it wrong and I just might have to make another one of these types of shows again sometime...

Axiom   Offline  -  Member  -  11-22-19 04:43 AM  -  4 years ago
AN-Nother Great show! 

You keep making 'em, I will keep listening to 'em!
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  11-22-19 05:06 AM  -  4 years ago


And I will. First up, a couple of Xmas shows. I don't think I can manage 4 without help. Then, back to this show in January. Segment 5...well, the playlist was finished long ago and even I'm going to find the next segment disturbing.

And Seg. 6: "Free Floating Hostility", will live up to its name. All that should time this out at 4 hours or so, making it the longest Special yet.

jts1957   Offline  -  Member  -  02-04-21 06:10 PM  -  3 years ago

Best laid plans of mice and men ...

Apparently never finished?

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  02-18-21 01:14 AM  -  3 years ago

This show remains completed in my PC. The playlist is finished; the script is finished. I just need to be well enough to actually record it. And that's a very tall order these days. Show segments are made when they can be - and that's not very often. Even then, the time of year dictates what shows get made. When I was finally ready to finish this episode, it was suddenly time for our Xmas shows. After that, the plague arrived. So...

It's not like I can ask Dave; he disapproves of this kind of show. I can't even get through to Wayne. So it falls to me to do it myself. When I'm feeling up to doing it again. Whenever that will be.


Best laid plans of mice and men ...

Apparently never finished?

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  06-17-23 04:47 PM  -  1 year ago

There was another reason I decided to leave this one as is. No matter what I had mentioned before, segment 5 was to be more offensive than anything before it - at least as far as today's politics are concerned.

What was it about? I started with this and it just got worse from there. Yes, "the sheriff was near" and that's as descriptive as I care to get. After the events of that summer, I chose to let this show remain as you see it now.


Best laid plans of mice and men ...

Apparently never finished?

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