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Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 08-13, April 4, 2008
Topic: Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 08-13, April 4, 2008

This show has 8 parts:

Part 3
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#15Rectal ThermometerKarl Brown
#14Dime in My WifeBelow Average Dave
#13She Wants an American GirlPower Salad
Part 4
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#12Can't Find My Penis Robert Lund
#11National a*****e Directory (Capo 1)Carla Ulbrich
  • You Pay, We Play
  •   [first known play]
    Possible Oscar
    Part 5
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    #10PhotoshopBob Ricci
    #9Oscilloscope CathedralWorm Quartet
    #8Atari  [first known play]Odd Austin
    Part 8
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  • G33k5tar
  •   [first known play]
    #1Why Can't I Shoot the Dog?Sudden Death featuring The Gothsicles


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    Messages about the show: "Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 08-13, April 4, 2008"

    belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  04-04-08 10:46 PM  -  16 years ago
    Still listening, but the bottom three are awesome, first time I've heard Number 20 or 19, "50,000 is consider a flop". . . I love the check/car bounce comparison too. Fan Speculation still kicks too, will probably comment more as I continue up the countdown.
    belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  04-04-08 10:52 PM  -  16 years ago
    Nice video game duo there at 17 and 16:)
    belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  04-04-08 11:27 PM  -  16 years ago
    Nice playlist, particularly like what you said for Smelt You on the Bus Line, thanks Dj Particle as always
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