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Christmas Season, The - Sudden Death
Gimme Stuff - Rappy McRapperson
It's A Fanboy Christmas - Luke Ski, the great
It Never Snows in LA - Jimmy Osmond
Mr. Hankey The Christmas Poo - South Park
I'll Be Stoned For Christmas - Bob Rivers
Christmas at Ground Zero - "Weird Al" Yankovic
A Terrorist Christmas - James & Kling
Santa Claus is Gunning You Down - Futurama
Holy Shit, It's Christmas! - Red Peters
Deck The Halls - William Hung
Christmas Time In Hell - Satan
Twelve Drugs of Christmas, The - Mushroom Tabernacle Choir, The
Merry Christmas If That's Okay - Mystery Science Theater 3000
Hooray For Santa Claus - Senor Tonto
Ho Ho Fucking Ho - Kevin "Bloody" Wilson
Christmas In Hogwart's - Luke Ski, the great
Twelve Pains of Christmas, The - Bob Rivers
O Holy Night Cha Cha Cha - Brave Combo
Elves' Xmas Song - Futurama
One More Sleep 'Til Christmas - Kermit the Frog
Christmas Carol - Tom Lehrer
Christmas is Coming Twice This Year - Hollytones, The
Carol of the Bells - Mr. Mackey
Frosty The Pervert - Matt Rogers
Christmas Book Club, The - Art Paul Schlosser
Mrs. Claus - Throwing Toasters
Nuttin' For Christmas - Stan Freberg
Nuttin' But Spam - Robert Lund &
Let's Have A Patrick Swayze Christmas - Mystery Science Theater 3000
Twelve Days of Christmas, The - Bob & Doug McKenzie
Jingle Hells Bells - Bob Rivers
Night Santa Went Crazy, The - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Chanukah Song Part 3, The - Adam Sandler
Merry Fuckin' Christmas - Denis Leary
Merry Fucking Christmas - Mr. Garrison
Santa Claus is Watching You - Ray Stevens
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer - William Hung
Drunken Santa's Coming to Town - Matt Rogers
Christmas Song, The - Arnold, Bill, and Homer
It's Christmas and I Wonder Where I Am - Dudley Moron
Didn't I Get This Last Year? - Bob Rivers
At Christmas Time - Throwing Toasters
A Family Guy Christmas - Family Guy
A Very Amish Christmas - Electric Amish, The
Revenge of the Particle - December 23, 2006
Topic: Show 122 - Particle's Christmas Pick


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